Love is the Answer

Our common humanity is what we embrace with more and more consciousness. Clarity and the sharpness of knowing what does not lie ahead is what moves us in ever increasing leaps and bounds. The individual ceases to consider itself as a primary factor.

"Dialogue starts from the courageous willingness to know and be known by others. It is the painstaking and persistent effort to remove all obstacles that obscure our common humanity."
~Daisaku Ikeda

Something that many of us may have noticed lately is a desire and willingness to talk to complete strangers. In situations where many people seem to be occupied by thoughts about getting through the day or just being able to abide with slow lines etc. their energy may not necessarily be welcoming. We speak to them anyway.

We gently insert our selves into a moment of their day and coming from the heart open space for a brief conversation. A simple comment to begin that leads into sharing, a slice of one another revealed and in that, a little eruption of joy.

As this has happened to me a number of times lately I look forward to engaging with people I don’t know, in any situation, to expand my way of seeing things as I am certain, that my way of seeing things is limited by numerous factors.

This is one benefit. Another is discovering the loveliness of touching and being touched. In relationship it is a given. Opening to strangers puts us in a position of the unknown and vulnerability. It takes a little courage and compassion. And as we come from the heart, others respond in kind.

It is a re-education that all of us are in need of. Developing compassion for all regardless of our individual preferences. Preferences derived from fears, comfort levels, and conditioning (conditioning has little to do with what is real and everything to do with the past).  

Compassion, an innate expression in all of us, relies upon our willingness to have compassion for our selves. True compassion for the self occurs as we begin to recognize that suffering is a conditioned experience. As we gain freedom from this belief and perceive everything without this misperception, compassion becomes overwhelmingly available.

As we progress through various astrological events some of which are brief, full moon, new moon and inner planet aspects, an organic process is unfolding that is guiding us to deeper wisdom and greater awareness. This is the subject of little articles that appear periodically on this website. There is a prevailing current and we as a collective have progressively let our selves be moved by this current regardless of our preferences.

This January 29th, the New Moon is in Aquarius, the sign of the water bearer ruled by Uranus, the light-bringer. Aquarius is brilliance, independence, vision, community—the big picture—little here that focuses on ego related issues. Aquarius is focused on what serves humanity.

This New Moon, the first of the new year and coinciding with Chinese New Year (year of the wood snake) is a time to first, deeply appreciate everything we have learned and experienced as this contributes greatly to how we proceed collectively. Collectively we share a willingness to accept what it takes to further our evolution and education. If we do not, we all continue to suffer.  

The New Moon is at 9 degrees which according to the Sabian Symbols ( has an amazing website dedicated to astrology and the Sabian Symbols) asks us to “surrender ego to higher consciousness” and to “reject the illusion of fame and fortune”. Then as Dane Rudyar suggests of this degree ‘coming to realize our humanity rather than just our individuality.’

What about these few days of the New Moon supports our need to unite and act as community? If we look at the astrology chart we see that the sun/moon conjunction is trine (easy aspect of 120 deg.) to Jupiter in Gemini. The philosopher, guru, wise and beneficent in Gemini the messenger wants something new to report.

With the expansive energy of Jupiter, the message relates to everyone and everything. Jupiter is all-inclusive especially in Gemini the sign of sociability. With this aspect we are encouraged to slide out of our comfort zone to receive the opportunities available to us now.

Remembering that this is a New Moon what we take in, may take a few days to find expression in the world. There can be a delay related to the aspects of the 29th. Good to consider also, the qualities relating to the Wood Snake that begin on this day:

“We are entering into a year of death and rebirth, a year to make responsible decisions to evolve spiritually, moving away from old ways and habits that no longer serve us well...snakes are revered for their ability to shed their skin and renew themselves symbolizing transformation and rebirth.”
~Jill Lander, SCMP 

The Year of the Snake can be a year for thinking and consideration that suggests a quieter experience than 2024 Year of the Dragon. Snakes have wisdom but they are also dangerous. It will benefit us to focus on what we want to learn and how we would like to apply what we learn and at the same time be aware of what is going on around us. With wisdom and insight we can avoid getting caught in the various traps that have limited us in the past.

Two small talent trines in this New Moon chart dominate the geometry. We have discussed on several occasions that these are formed by a trine and two sextiles. They offer a challenge through the sextiles (60 deg.) which is made easier by the fortuitous flow of energy of the trine (120 deg.). One side of each shares two planets, Neptune and Uranus. They overlap. Neptune at 27 deg. Pisces (spiritual content without limitation) and Uranus at 23 deg. Taurus (revolution for evolution and freedom to Be) form the base of what looks very much like a basket with Mars in Cancer at one point and Pluto/Mercury in Aquarius at the other. Mars is action and leads our way.  Pluto/Mercury stands for the transformation of old patterns of thinking. Mercury in Aquarius is the visionary. These three planets are what guides the quality of reflection associated with the New Moon.

All of that to get to this. Chiron in Aries, is fairly close to being half way between Neptune and Uranus. It becomes important in this position as a supporting energy for this configuration. The Sabian symbol reference for this degree of Aries is, “seeing life as a constant opportunity to experience love.”

We know that love is the answer. This one word cannot be argued with. Nor can it lose anything or gain anything. There is fullness in love. And healing and resolution and joy and peace and stillness and, and…

If one is in this part of the world, meaning west coast North America the basket formed by the two talent trines, is in a receiving position. The opening points north. We are catching all the light/love being beamed to us now. In other parts of the world the basket may have the base in the north and here they are giving light/love. Healing is occurring for all of us. Everything we receive we give right out again. It is the reciprocal law of the Universe.

This New Moon encourages the healing of the imbalance that exists surrounding this ‘law’. It is a time to further equalization. Everyone will be cared for and everyone will know the force that love is. We all will shine.

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