Intuitive Readers

Transformative Tarot Card Readings

Kristine Marie

Kristine’s readings are interactive. Together we will enter into a conversation, ignited by the cards that show up for your questions, and empowered with her (and your) intuition, insight and guidance about what they bring up for you; the past, present, and future. The more you are willing to go deeply into your own process and share what the images and archetypes elicit in you, the better the conversation and the results will be! Each reading is an opportunity for you to access your own information and align yourself with your truth on how to move forward in the best way for you. Certified Master Intuitive, Kristine Marie, combines her training’s and experience in Intuition Medicine, Reiki, Acupressure, Steiner Education, Co-Counseling, Bars/Access Consciousness, and Star Flower & Gem Essences to assist you as you re-align with your higher Self, remember your authentic Truth, and re-awaken your beautiful Heart. She has great depth of passion, love, and curiosity for Mythology, Astrology, Storytelling, Human Development, Jungian Psychology, Dreamwork and World Travel, and with these, aims to provide insightful, powerfully transformative tarot readings.

Special Note for Remote Readings:
Once you book a reading with Kristine, she will call you to confirm time and location! Please note that reading times are not final until confirmed.

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From Our Happy Clients


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“Kristine takes you on a Magical Mystery Tour. That is how it feels anyway to me when I sit with her. The visuals she creates are so helpful in understanding what the Universe’s message through tarot is to you. Kristine’s readings are fun, groovy, and in my case have left me with guidance for any questions I have had.”


“Sometimes, when I perceive my intuition guiding me towards a happier, better life, I ask Kristine to do a tarot reading for me. It is amazing how the cards pertain to my situation. I get a lot of reassurance from her readings, as well as specific, spot on, helpful pointers that help me proceed with confidence. The readings are encouraging. I am grateful and fortunate to have Kristine do readings for me.”


“Kristine has a cheerfully-warm, friendly and positive vibration. Her tarot reading style is very down to earth and conversational. She is focused on the processes we are currently experiencing in our lives and how we are reacting to unfolding events, whether they be personal or global. She is the Best Tarot reader I have ever had.”

Erica Salda

“While Kristine reads the tarot cards, she shares what her intuition and what her spirit guides show her, weaving in archetypal stories of humanity that speak to our individual and collective experiences. Kristine shares the wonderful power of all of us “looking” into the various details of our lives, for patterns that show unfolding soulful lessons.”

Dominique Hackett

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