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Paradise Found | Embracing Mother Earth | Crystals for the New Moon in Virgo

Embracing Mother Earth | Crystals for the New Moon in Virgo -- The New Moon in Virgo is a time for working with the element of Earth, and feeling into your connection with nature. Go beyond the superficial and seek authentic purpose, embrace the beauty of imperfection, and bring back wisdom from the mountaintop.

Paradise Found | Treasure Your Unique Talent | Crystals for the Full Moon in Virgo

Treasure Your Unique Talent | Crystals for the Full Moon in Virgo -- When we honor our unique gifts, amazing feats of creation are possible. Here are three stones for drawing out talent and creativity, improving decisiveness and finding solutions, and drawing on your greatest strengths.

Paradise Found | Crystals for Grounding & Self-Love

Crystals for Grounding & Self-Love -- Get in touch with the Earth's energy, find your center, and bring more self-love into your life with Indian Agate, Red Jasper, and Peach Moonstone.

Paradise Found | Crystals for Exploring the Unconscious Realms

Crystals for Exploring the Unconscious Realms -- During the Full Moon in Virgo, contact with the subconscious and the unconscious is more intense. Virgo's tarot correspondent is the Hermit, who is on an inward journey to the depths of the Self. To balance this intensity, it may be helpful to work with Howlite, as it is an extremely calming stone...

Paradise Found | Grounding Presence | Crystals for the Full Moon in Taurus, 11/15

Grounding Presence | Crystals for the Full Moon in Taurus, 11/15 -- I am grounded, steady, and whole. I trust in the earth’s embrace and move forward with clarity and purpose.

Paradise Found | New Moon in Virgo 21°58' | Thursday 9/14/23 at 6:39 pm PT

New Moon in Virgo 21°58' | Thursday 9/14/23 at 6:39 pm PT --

Paradise Found | Crystals for the Full Moon in Taurus

Crystals for the Full Moon in Taurus --

Paradise Found | Just In Time for Summer: Blue Lace Agate, Stone of Infinite Calm

Just In Time for Summer: Blue Lace Agate, Stone of Infinite Calm -- Jun 15, 2014

Paradise Found | Embracing All That We Are | Crystals for the Full Moon in Gemini, 12/15

Embracing All That We Are | Crystals for the Full Moon in Gemini, 12/15 -- “Let today be the day you stand strong in the truth of your beauty. Journey through your day without attachment to the validation of others.” ~Steve Maraboli

Paradise Found | Full Moon in Virgo | Saturday 2/24/24 at 4:30 a.m. PT

Full Moon in Virgo | Saturday 2/24/24 at 4:30 a.m. PT -- "Virgo is the powerful sign of the Goddess, perfect unto herself. This energy is a reminder that we each carry a gift waiting to be discovered. The world is waiting to embrace our talent once we are ready to give it. The key, though, is feeling good enough to share our gifts with the world without fear or hesitation."~Spirit Daughter

Paradise Found | Crystals for the New Moon in Taurus

Crystals for the New Moon in Taurus --

Paradise Found | Rocks That Rock Us: Moonstone/ Sunstone/ Moss Agate by Patsy Lakey

Rocks That Rock Us: Moonstone/ Sunstone/ Moss Agate by Patsy Lakey -- Mar 27, 2018

Paradise Found | Bloom with Balance: Moonstone, Sunstone, Moss Agate by Patsy Lakey

Bloom with Balance: Moonstone, Sunstone, Moss Agate by Patsy Lakey -- Mar 31, 2018

Paradise Found | Welcoming Summer: Fire Agate, Citrine and Blue Apatite by Moorea Kern

Welcoming Summer: Fire Agate, Citrine and Blue Apatite by Moorea Kern -- Jun 01, 2017

Paradise Found | New Moon in Taurus | Saturday 4/30/22 at 1:28 pm PT & Partial Solar Eclipse

New Moon in Taurus | Saturday 4/30/22 at 1:28 pm PT & Partial Solar Eclipse -- "From the fast-paced, adventurous energy of Aries, we land in Taurus Season. Taurus is the calm after the storm, the quiet after the chaos, and the space of healing." ~Spirit Daughter

Paradise Found | Fall Equinox: Crystals For Creating Balance Amidst Change by Moorea Kern

Fall Equinox: Crystals For Creating Balance Amidst Change by Moorea Kern -- Sep 01, 2017

Paradise Found | Standing in the Face of Transformation | Crystals for the New Moon in Scorpio, 11/1/24

Standing in the Face of Transformation | Crystals for the New Moon in Scorpio, 11/1/24 -- "The key to growth is the introduction of higher dimensions of consciousness into our awareness." ~Lao Tzu

Paradise Found | Stones for Reawakening Your Inner Child: Howlite, Dalmatian Stone and Blue Lace Agate by Moorea Kern

Stones for Reawakening Your Inner Child: Howlite, Dalmatian Stone and Blue Lace Agate by Moorea Kern -- Jul 01, 2017

Paradise Found | New Moon in Aries | Tuesday 3/24 at 2:28 am PST

New Moon in Aries | Tuesday 3/24 at 2:28 am PST -- Mar 22, 2020

Paradise Found | Balanced Between Life & the Divine | Crystals for the Full Moon in Gemini

Balanced Between Life & the Divine | Crystals for the Full Moon in Gemini --