13 Moon Galactic Calendars (July 26, 2013 to July 25, 2014) by Eden Sky now in...

We are the paint on the brush. Love is the paper. And the Earth is the Artist.                                                                          - Merlin Sky
13 Moon Galactic Time

"While the Mayan World Age Cycle completed on December 21, 2012, the 13-Moon Calendar continues on!This Galactic calendar is guiding us to harmonize with the energies of the New Era, supporting our emergence into The Dawning of The Sixth Sun...It is essential that we recognize this new era is now only in its infancy stage.Just as we would care for a newborn baby, so too must we consciously nurture the seeds of the new world as they take root within us. One moment, and one day at a time, the journey of life continues unfolding through us..." Eden Sky$20.00

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