In June, as many as a dozen species may burst their buds on a single day. No man can heed all of these anniversaries; no man can ignore all of them.
~Aldo Leopold
Warm Greetings to our Community & Friends
June is a busy month: the bees are buzzing; graduations at all levels of pursuits are held marking the perseverance and commitment it took to complete a course of study; we sing praises and give honor to our men folk; and celebrate a balanced Solstice as well. Be ready. Here comes life.Long, warm days inspire me to be outdoors, to play, to revel in activity--and then--to rest in the shade of a tree with a good book. (And, how lucky am I to be surrounded by good books!) Balance.As I move toward the Summer Solstice I celebrate a time of light brimming with life-force; of growth and abundance. I look around at the planet and take a sacred pause to let in that energy.In the bright light of summer I check in with myself and see what is being mirrored back to me that is fulfilling, renewing, and sustainable; and then, celebrate the power of equanimity in my life. I also look to see what is not fulfilling, renewing, and sustainable that is being mirrored around and within me, and use the midpoint of the year as an opportunity to course-correct—to realign with the fire of the heart.The energy of the season can require us to stretch out of our comfort zone as tender tips of new growth reaching for the sunlight do. Taking the steps, making the choices that get us current with our heart fire can be confronting—and so we move forward with the courage of a spiritual warrior.Take off your shoes, walk in the sand, play in the garden, get as big, bold and bright as the season…
Teresa, The Spirit of Thule, Tucker & all at Paradise Found