A Love Letter to Louise Hay by Teresa Taylor

Love is the greatest healing power I know. Love can heal even the deepest and most painful memories because love brings the light of understanding to the darkest corners of our hearts and minds.

Louise Hay

Greetings to our friends and family,

Celebrating Louise Hay 1926-2017

Like many of you, Louise Hay impacted my life profoundly.I first became aware of her in the 1980s when I was living in Silverlake near downtown LA, working for a dance company and the AIDS epidemic was ravaging the community. I found my way to the “Hay Rides” at Plummer Park in West Hollywood. Boom. The love and healing in that room forever changed me. Later, as I worked my way through a chronic illness, Louise was my companion as I listened to hours of her programs and recovered. She guided my mom through two cancers. As a book seller, I know the impact she continues to have with her own work and through her support of so many inspiring authors Hay House has brought to light.Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.For the being a luminary and guiding lightFor the healing and transformation you inspireFor impacting and touching the lives of millionsFor the enduring legacy of beauty, truth and goodness you leave us withAnd, she did all this at the midpoint of her life: writing her book at age 51, becoming a minister at age 54, beating cancer at age 58, founding a non-profit at age 61, starting her own publishing house at age 62, becoming a NY Times best seeling author at 64, celebrating being fully alive at age 75, starting her own radio station at age 80, releasing her first mobile app at age 83, winning the Minerva Award for Women Visionaries at age 83, haing herfirst gallery opening for her artwork at age 88, and now she goes on to share her light beyond this world at age 90.With great tenderness, I humbly offer a deep bow of respect and love for a life well lived. Mission accomplished.May we each take up the mantle and be the grace, forgiveness, peace, inspiration and transformation that she was for over 33 years.Teresa, spirit of Thule, Tucker, Huxley and all at Paradise FoundWe are saddened by all the losses in Houston with hurricane Harvey, and heartened by the good hearted people who are reaching out and helping neighbors. Won't you reach out and help a neighbor in Houston? We are contributing through Direct Relief, a locally based organization with a fine reputation for getting the work done: https://www.directrelief.org/

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