Aligned Decisions: Gemini Full Moon Ritual, 12/15

“Whatever you did today is enough. Whatever you felt today is valid. Whatever you thought today isn’t to be judged. Repeat the above each day.” ~Brittany Burgunder

Aligned Decisions: Gemini Full Moon Ritual

"I am larger, better than I thought; I did not know I held so much goodness"
~Walt Whitman

This Gemini Full Moon invites us to explore dualities, harmonize contradictions, and make choices that align with our truest selves. This ritual is designed to help you balance conflicting emotions or decisions by engaging your senses and tuning into the wisdom of your body and heart.

What You’ll Need:

  • Two objects: Choose small items that resonate with you—stones, coins, or any meaningful objects. Each should represent one of the options, decisions, or emotions you’re working through.
  • A quiet space where you can sit comfortably and uninterrupted.
  • Anything else you would like or need to create a calming, nurturing sacred space: candle, incense, blankets, tea...

1. Set Your Space
Begin by clearing your space and lighting a candle or incense if desired. Take a few deep breaths to center yourself, releasing any tension or distractions. Bring to mind a choice, dilemma, decision, or conflicting emotions that you'd like clarity on.

2. Assign Meaning to Your Objects
Hold each object in your hands and assign it to one of the choices, decisions, or emotions you’re exploring. For example:

  1. The stone in your left hand could represent staying in your current situation.
  2. The stone in your right hand might represent moving toward a new opportunity.

3. Engage Your Senses
With one objects in each hand, focus on their physical qualities:

  1. How do they feel in your palm? Are they smooth, rough, warm, cool?
  2. Notice their weight and texture.
  3. Allow yourself to fully experience each object as you contemplate what it represents.

4. Reflect and Feel
Focus on one object at a time. As you spend time with each object, ask yourself:

  1. How does this option or emotion feel in my body?
  2. Does it bring a sense of ease, tension, excitement, or heaviness?
  3. Where do I feel these sensations in my body?
  4. Spend a few moments with each object, tuning into the emotions and energy they carry.

5. Reconcile the Duality
Once you’ve spent time with both objects, bring your hands together and cup the objects as one. Visualize merging the dualities within you—mind and heart, fear and courage, logic and intuition. Allow these energies to coexist without judgment, knowing that clarity will emerge.

6. Choose with Confidence
After a moment of stillness, open your hands and choose one object. Let this choice symbolize the path you are ready to embrace. Trust that this decision is aligned with your highest good.

7. Seal the Intention
Hold the chosen object to your heart and say an affirmation, such as: “I trust my inner wisdom to guide me toward the path of clarity and alignment.”
Place the object somewhere meaningful to remind you of your decision.

Blow out your candle or incense and take a few deep breaths to ground yourself. Know that this Gemini Full Moon has supported you in finding balance and confidence as you move forward. Let this ritual be a reminder of your innate ability to reconcile dualities and find harmony within yourself. 🌕

May this Gemini Full Moon inspire you to be more fully yourself, holding all of the dualities within.

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