Announcing: The Art of Creating YOUR Personal Scent Workshops with Donnalynne Shaw

Explore the Art of Aroma Alchemy to enhance your personality, mind, mood and emotions using essential oils!Class is limited to ten participants to ensure you get personal guidance and attention.Tuition is $65 and you will leave with your own formula, a bottle of your creation, and the satisfaction of creating it yourself.

Two workshops offered in a private home:Sunday, Feb. 25thandSaturday, March 10th1-4pm

To register or for more information: Call Donnalynne at 805 689-3328

Donnalynne has the gifts of clairsentience, clairaudience, and clairvoyance. She is a certified Aroma Alchemist and has been blending oils for the past 7 years. She is available for readings and spiritual counseling at Paradise Found, and offers Wellness through Aromatherapy for your home, office, body, and pets.

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