April Acknowledgments of a Great Love

Death is the dropping of the flower, that the fruit may swell. ~Henry Ward Beecher

Loving Greetings to our Community & Friends,

On Saturday, March 24, Beloved Thule dropped his poodle-body-disguise, his earth mission complete. He is on to his next sacred assignment. Thule is an amazing spirit who lived a long, rich, magical life…a ripe 16 years, 8 months.

He was the Master LOVE attractor, activator and transmitter. Watching, day after day, at Paradise Found, the love connection he inspired and the quiet healings he provided, was to watch love in action. Many thanks to those of you who have shared with us your “Thule healing” stories.

On a personal note…I love Thule with all my heart and every molecule of my being. We were a team. We lived together and worked together. We respected each other. He wasn’t my 'baby', or my 'kid'. I wasn’t his owner. He was my partner, my familiar, who just happened to have four legs.

I will miss his beautiful, big, white fluffy body—four legs and all. And, yet our bond was so complete that after my initial descent into deep grief, I feel only a deep stillness inside me of such sweetness and gratitude. His presence is palpable to me, transcending form.

Perhaps it is because, on the very first night of what would turn out to be the rest of our time together, (instead of the few days planned as caretaker), we had what I can only call a profound spiritual experience. A meeting, soul to soul… The story began eight years and 8 months ago. I fell irrevocably in love with an 8 year old poodle. How he came to be lying on my living room floor filled with sadness in his eyes is another story. But our story began on that night, when I saw this sadness and laid down nose to nose with him.

As we gazed into each other’s eyes, pure magic began to happen. I can only describe my sense that we began to travel together in time and space, I can remember the sense of movement, the sense of vast, expansive space, the dissolution of identification of myself as human-self and his as poodle-self until we were one-self and no-self, and nothing and everything. I do not know how long we stayed there or how we got back. I do know that it changed my life forever and prepared me for this day.

We have such appreciation for that gigantic love-exchange that occurred between Thule and all of you. We attribute his longevity to his vital spirit, his desire to serve, and the love-touch therapy he gave and received from so many. When you are in next, please take a little piece of Thule love in the form of tumbled rose quartz from the basket on his altar…

In such gratitude,

The call of death is a call of love. Death can be sweet if we answer it in the affirmative, if we accept it as one of the great eternal forms of life and transformation.

~Hermann Hesse

What happens after death is so unspeakably glorious that our imagination and our feelings do not suffice to form even an approximate conception of it. The dissolution of our time-bound form in eternity brings no loss of meaning.~Carl Jung

Teresa, Tucker & all at Paradise Found

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