Aquarius Full Moon Nature Walk Ritual

Bathe in the energy of the Aquarius Full Moon while remembering the interconnectedness of the universe, and remember how your own unique gifts are here to help change the world.

"We need to make it safe for each other, not by calling each other out and finger pointing, but by calling each other in."
~ Lisa Lister in Witch: Unleashed. Untamed. Unapologetic.

Purpose: To connect deeply with the Earth and the collective energy of all living beings, emphasizing the interconnectedness of all life under the illuminating Aquarius Full Moon.

You can do this under the light of the full moon at night, or anytime during the day. Know that the moon is glowing above you always.

How to Do It:

1. Set Your Intention:

Before your walk, take a moment to breathe deeply and set an intention for yourself. Some examples might be: "I embrace my uniqueness and trust in my intuition to guide me," or "I am connected to the collective consciousness, and my actions contribute to the greater good."

2. Mindful Walking:

Begin walking slowly and feel the Earth beneath your feet. Visualize roots extending from your feet into the ground, grounding you deeply. Because this full moon is in the air sign of Aquarius, feel both rooted and light as you bring awareness to the airy nature of this time.

3. Interconnectedness Meditation:

Find a quiet spot during your walk, perhaps under a tree or by a stream, where you can sit or stand comfortably. If you feel comfortable, close your eyes or focus your gaze, and visualize a web of energy that connects you to all beings—humans, animals, plants, and even the stars above. Breathe in this energy, feeling the connection between yourself and the world around you. As you breathe, bring to mind the inquiry, "What unique gifts or talents am I ready to share with the world?"

4. Gratitude Offering:

Express gratitude for the Earth and leave a small offering, such as a flower or stone, as a symbol of appreciation. As you walk on, visualize the Aquarius Full Moon’s energy flowing through you, grounding into the Earth and balancing your energy.

6. Reflect:

After your walk, reflect on your experience and how it deepened your sense of connection. Carry this feeling of unity with you. Take some Aquarian inspired action and utilize your unique talents and gifts to create some collective good in the world.

“Let yourself be drawn by the stronger pull of that which you truly love."

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