Aragonite~Stone of Peace of Mind & Positivity by Jessica Allen


These star-like clusters of Calcium Carbonate make an excellent aid to relieve stress and tension. Extremely centering and grounding, holding a cluster of Aragonite immediately floods the energy body with soothing vibrations, allowing peace of mind and comfort to replace tension. Known as an "Earth- Healing" stone, Aragonite connects the user with the grounding and energizing power of the Earth itself, centering one in the present moment and allowing one to feel at ease with all of life.

Aragonite clusters are a very useful stone to use for allowing one to feel comfortable and relaxed. Sometimes mental and emotional tension is creating underlying physical discomfort--Aragonite clusters are great to hold or place on the body to reorient the energy system and facilitate relief from aches or pains.


It is a great stone for those who constantly worry about the future or try to control their circumstances to the point that they forget to enjoy the present moment. Aragonite reminds the body and mind to meet situations with joy and receptivity, relaxing rigid attitudes and allowing one to feel acceptance in the face of difficult circumstances. It balances "within" and "without"--one's ability to receive with one's desire to act. The relaxed, receptive attitude the stone facilitates makes it very helpful to use before meditation. I've found that it is also useful to hold before playing music or creating art, because of it's ability to balance active and receptive states.

A great stone to use to bring positive energy into a space, Aragonite clusters radiate light and spread good vibrations throughout the space they occupy. They can be used to relieve geopathic stress, and placed on a map as a charm to clear blocked ley lines.

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