When your heart speaks, take good notes.
~Judith Campbell
As the heart of winter approaches, the move inward accelerates (think hibernating bears). Capture that inward movement through journal-ling, drawing, doodling--whatever form your creative expression takes.Journal-ling is an effective tool for use in the healing process. You can listen to the secret whisperings of your soul. Written exploration improves your perspective on life and helps clarify important issues in your life.Reading back through journals helps one reflect on where you used to be and where you now in your life. It’s a method of allowing the light of understanding and compassion to shine on your past.We all have dark days, black moods, and anxious feelings. Use writing in a journal to explore the darkness. You will find your inner light when you do.You can’t know where you’re going if you don’t know where you are.
Writing is the most powerful way I know of to sort through all the inner voices.
~ Rebecca Maddox