The Independent's 2024 "Best of Santa Barbara" poll is open! We are nominating all our favorite local businesses and invite you to do the same. Please join us in celebrating all the heartfelt independent business endeavors in this community.
Dear Friends,
The Santa Barbara Independent's Best of annual reader's poll is open! We are nominating all our favorite local businesses and invite you to do the same! Please join us in celebrating all the heartfelt independent business endeavors in this community. Your nominations are an affirmation that you believe in the power of local businesses to enrich our community.
Please include Paradise Found as Best Gift Shop in your selections! Spread the peace, love & good vibes!
With all our gratitude and appreciation,
Teresa, Spirits of Thule, Huxley, and Tucker, and all at Paradise Found
Please show your support for a shop that makes our town feel like home, a place where all are welcome, where our customers share with us the most significant moments in their live: births, marriages, times of love, joy, grief, and all of the very human situations that arise.
We are like a hardware store for the spiritually inclined, providing tools, pathways, information, and a buffet of the world’s spiritual wisdom for your exploration, enrichment, and personal practice.
Whether it is a gift for your BFF, an anniversary present, a candle for a celebration of life, a birthday card or a pouch of crystals hand picked for a specific situation, we've got you covered.
Thank you for showing us that you love to gather here, discover new books, find special gifts, and connect with each other and find community.
All of us at Paradise Found would like to invite you to join us in this exciting journey. Thank you for considering Paradise Found in this community poll.
It truly takes a village to make Paradise Found an island of tranquility. The smiling faces behind the counter make up one important part of the larger team, which includes our many talented intuitive readers, and various wizards of technology and social media.
But the most important part is you, our friends, customers, and fellow residents of Santa Barbara. It is thanks to you that we have been able to keep Paradise Found going strong since 1986. We have served Santa Barbara for 38 years, and we look forward to many more!