Bloodstone for Health and Effectiveness by Jessica Allen


Bloodstone, a special red and green form of Chalcedony, is one of the most intensely useful stones for promoting health and vitality. Known for it's various powers since ancient times, it can be worn as a protective amulet and used to instill the wearer with courage in the face of adversity. It is also known as a blood cleanser and purifier, but among all these special traits, I find it's most useful for one thing: to show/remind the whole body what wellness feels like!

Often pain and tension are held in the body so long that it becomes difficult for the body to remember what it feels like to be well- pain-free, healthy, and strong. With busy schedules, we often end up unable to heal and rest our bodies back to a state of fully-functional wellness, instead choosing to carry pain and discomfort around with us. Often we become so accustomed to our own illnesses that they become a familiar part of the day, sometimes they end up manifesting as more chronic health complaints, and sometimes the illness becomes accepted as if it were a personality trait.

Bloodstone immediately restores the chakras to their proper function- bypassing clogged perceptions to establish wellness in the most direct way possible-through the physical body! It's energy centers and grounds the heart in a way the quickly supplies the body with a feeling of solid vitality. It works well to cleanse and revitalize the lower chakras, rejuvenating and purifying the whole physical system. This is very helpful in situations where the pain (emotional and physical) has been around a long time or has transformed into a 'chronic' illness or cancer, because it gives the body and spirit an uplifting boost that illuminates the path to wellness and health, at the same time filling the spirit with courage to face the changes that good health would bring.

I especially recommend this stone to anyone who would like to be more effective in the physical world, because strength, courage, and good health make everything much easier and less challenging! Bloodstone acknowledges that chaos precedes transformation, and it helps supply the mind with powerful healing information by dispelling obscure thought (because of it's powerful ability to center and align, any tendency to scatter energy becomes irrelevant). Hold the stone as long as possible to get the most effect, or keep it with you for it's protective properties. Use in body layouts, or hold and rub the stone for it's soothing effect. Especially helpful to supplement treatment for patients suffering from debilitating conditions.

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