Book Picks - The Collected Works of Paul Selig, featuring The Book of Truth, Coming Out June 6th, 2017

Paradise Found is ecstatic to announce we will be on-site selling books for Paul Selig's upcoming event, presented by GetConsciousNow! TV on June 26th at Unity of Santa Barbara (227 E. Arrellaga St.): Truth & Transformation - A Channeled Workshop for a New World! For more information:

Through his clear, compassionate, and at times ruthlessly insightful spiritual guides, Paul Selig has written a breathtaking and powerful treatise on the importance of self worth to spiritual knowing. However, this is no armchair new age philosophy. It is a transformational manual dedicated to making this essential knowing accessible. I found this to be one of the most powerful and influential books I have ever read.

~Jose Luis Stevens Ph.D., Co-founder of The Power Path, psychologist, teacher, and author of Secrets of Shamanism, The Power Path, and Awaken the Inner Shaman

book pick i am the word

The channeled Guides of I Am the Word provide a concise and immensely powerful program in self-awareness that can ease negative complexes and align your existence with its highest purpose.Humanity has lost itself. Both as individuals and as a world culture, we have forgotten our true nature. In I Am the Word, writer and medium Paul Selig has recorded an extraordinary program for self- realization, as dispensed through beings of higher intelligence, sometimes called Guides or Ascended Masters. These figures seek, as they have in the past, to assist men and women in discovering the higher, purposeful nature—or “Christed Self”—that lies dormant within us all.In a series of enticing, irresistibly practical dialogues, the Guides of I Am the Word identify the emotional “boulders” that displace our authentic selves and consume our potential. The Guides provide to-the-point psychological and existential insights, along with self-developing exercises and affirmations, which begin to strip away residues of fear, self-doubt, and self-suffocating habits.Paperback: 15.95

In a world of would-be psychics making great claims for themselves with little evidence to back them up, Paul Selig is the real thing. ~ Rachel Pollack, author of 78 Degrees of Wisdom: A Book of Tarot

This major new work of channeled literature shows readers how to develop their own intuitive abilities and continues the program of self-development begun in Paul Selig's popular previous book, I Am the Word.

In this bold, bracing, and tremendously practical new work of spiritual psychology, author and medium Paul Selig takes the channeled teachings begun in his acclaimed I Am the Word into dramatic new territory. In this fresh revelation, the invisible teachers who speak through Selig actually instruct readers on how to develop their own powers of intuition, clairvoyance, and inner knowing.The Book of Love and Creation simultaneously helps readers develop as spiritual beings within, while growing into increasingly capable, resilient, and confident individuals amid the demands of outer life.Filled with meditations, exercises, psychological insights, and affirmations, The Book of Love and Creation immediately produces change in the life of every dedicated person who approaches it. Perfect for returning readers and newcomers alike, the book is an extraordinary experience in a new body of channeled wisdom that is attracting readers across the world.Paperback: 17.95

Paul and his Guides somehow manage to transmit and then explain ancient gnostic revelations in simple language that anyone can understand. The result is a kind of handbook on how to access and use the creative or 'out-picturing' powers of language and thought (our 'knowing') and the deep, still unconscious divinity of humanity (our 'worth'). A magical book.

~ Jeffrey J. Kripal, J. Newton Rayzor Professor of Religious Studies, Rice University

The third in Paul Selig’s popular “I Am the Word” channeled literature series, The Book of Knowing and Worth extraordinary psychological-spiritual guide addresses how to overcome low self-worth and claim our true purpose as individuals.

Winner of the 2014 Nautilus Award represents “Better Books for a Better World”—the Silver Award in the category of Religion /Spirituality: Other Traditions.In his third channeled text, Paul Selig—acclaimed author of I Am the Word and The Book of Love and Creation—brings us his most practical message yet.Informing us that “you decide what you are worth,” Selig’s spiritual guides take readers through a program to understand our own inherent worth, and beat the fears that drain our inborn spiritual knowing..Selig reveals that true understanding of our life’s purpose can be found through “service”—the practice of the thing that you most love. Readers can discover their own form of service through this powerful mantra: “I know who I am, I know what I am, I know how I serve.”Paperback: 15.95

What moves Selig’s The Book of Mastery into the status of a classic is its spiritual insights into the Divine Self relevant to the fundamental questions human beings have asked about the nature of existence since time immemorial.

~ Michael Bernard Beckwith, author of Spiritual Liberation

The first book in channeler Paul Selig’s widely anticipated Mastery Trilogy leads you into an unprecedented journey of self-development, at once building your personal excellence and your ability to improve life for others.

The channeled literature of Paul Selig -- who receives clairaudient dictation from unseen intellects called the Guides -- has quickly become the most important and celebrated expression of channeling since A Course In Miracles rose to prominence in the 1970s.Selig’s three previous books -- I Am the Word, The Book of Love and Creation, and The Book of Knowing and Worth -- have won a growing following around the world for their depth, intimacy, and psychological insight. Now, Selig embarks upon an extraordinary new trilogy on the “Teachings of Mastery” with his inaugural volume: The Book of Mastery.The Book of Mastery provides a deeply practical prescription for heightening your abilities, aptitudes, and sense of personal excellence. The Guides’ teachings go much further, however, instructing you how to improve life for others and, ultimately, for global humanity.As the Guides themselves put it: “We will tell you this: No one who reads these books will be left unchanged. They will be like molecular systems that reinvigorate and realign and reclaim the reader to themselves in their worth, in their identity and, beyond that, in their physical realm. Underline physical realm if you like. Because the physical realm that we teach in is about to go back to the stone ages unless you all get it together.”Paperback: 15.95

Authentic straightforward truth straight from the source field.

~ Deepak Chopra 

As recently seen on ABC’s Nightline, channeler Paul Selig presents the second work in his acclaimed Mastery Trilogy.The Book of Truth (Available June 6th!) casts your relationships–and what they reveal about you — in a dramatic and radical new light.The channeled literature of Paul Selig — who receives clairaudient dictation from unseen intellects called the Guides — has quickly become the most important and celebrated expression of channeling since A Course In Miracles rose to prominence in the 1970s.Selig’s previous trilogy of channeled wisdom —I Am the Word, The Book of Love and Creation, and The Book of Knowing and Worth — won a large following around the world for its depth, intimacy, and psychological insight. The first book of his new Mastery Trilogy, The Book of Mastery, likewise attained popularity and praise. Now, Selig continues the “Teachings of Mastery” with the widely anticipated second volume in his new series: The Book of Truth.Paperback: 17.00

Paul Seligis a writer, empath and conscious channel. He received his Master’s Degree from Yale and served on the faculty of NYU for over 25 years. A spiritual experience in 1987 left him clairvoyant. His breakthrough works of channeled literature,I Am the Word, The Book of Love and Creation,The Book of Knowing and Worth andThe Book of Mastery have quickly become the most important and celebrated expression of channeling sinceA Course in Miraclesrose to prominence in the 1970s. Paul’s workshops have won a growing following around the world for their depth, intimacy, and psychological insight.SaveSaveSaveSaveSaveSave

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