Book Picks-- "The Wild Unknown" Tarot Deck by Kim Krans

the wild unknown tarot

May you always be on the inner quest. You are The Wild Unknown.

One of our fabulous customers brought this deck to our attention and I was immediately captivated. For the first time in many years (I'd have to take off my shoes to count how many!) a new deck spoke to me. Delicate and powerful, simple yet deep I encourage you to spend some time with this deck and see if it speaks to you.The Wild Unknown Tarot Deck was hand-drawn by Kim Krans, an artist who began with a fascination to "integrate energy into visual form." She pursued her art showing in galleries in New York City and playing music in bands, but there was an unfulfilled part, a dimming internal light. And it was at that juncture that she began to discover the "wild unknown" through teachings of her yoga instructor. She began to draw for children's books, meditate, and practice daily self-reflection. Out of this emerged "The Wild Unknown Tarot Deck."[caption id="attachment_11250" align="alignright" width="300"]

Huxley and The Wild Unknown

My morning reading and Huxley makes off with the box top of The Wild Unknown Tarot from the table. A wild chase ensued which he thought was grand fun![/caption]It's been rumored that she can draw a perfect circle while riding a horse. But she leaves that to myth. For her, drawing allows her clarity and precision of thought, of hand, of spirit. She searched for a tarot deck that spoke to her, but instead envisioned one where "the imagery would speak to a world of wild nature and mystery...a place where the darks are truly dark and the lights are bright and expansive."Discover your wildness. 40.00

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