"Nancy Vedder-Shults has given us all a gift in this wonderfully clear and useful guide to learning how to listen to signals from your body, read your internal compass, and assess the wisdom within. At once, practical and evocative, each divination invites you into awe and wonder."
~ Camille Maurine and Lorin Roche, Meditation Secret for Women
Everyone has burning questions. Everyone wants to find answers. And everyone needs to know their own truth.The World is Your Oracle will enable readers to craft their own questions, delve into their inner wisdom, and find the answers they need. This innovative divination book presents multicultural techniques from around the world--both ancient and contemporary--designed for each individual's unique situation, desire, or intuitive style. Author Nancy Vedder-Shults, Ph.D., presents readers with information so they can select a technique based on what appeals to them in the moment, a technique that dovetails with their intuitive strength
(kinesthetic, auditory, visual), or simply work their way through all the techniques for fun and self-awareness.Nancy Vedder-Shults, Ph.D., taught in the Women's Studies Program at the University of Wisconsin-Madison from 1975 to 1991. After leaving her position there, she became a public speaker and workshop leader in women's spirituality. Her work has focused on women's theology, music, and spiritual growth.In 2013, she was named one of the Wisdom Keepers of the Goddess Spirituality Movement by the prestigiousSageWomanmagazine alongside such luminaries as Alice Walker, Starhawk, Lynn Andress, and Sue Monk Kidd. She has given workshops all over North America.Paperback: 22.99SaveSave