Book Picks: Uplifting Prayers to Light Your Way — 200 Invocations for Challenging Times by Sonia Choquette

This is a beautiful, all inclusive prayer book. There are prayers for every occasion and the book is divided into different chapters to deal with different challenges. The first chapter is 'Waking Up', prayers to reconnect with your spirit, another chapter is under the title 'Rainy Days'. I highly recommend this book — I use it daily. You can start at the beginning and work your way through, or chose to just open to a page and work with the prayer and the words on that page for the day.

~Noelle Carvotta, fan


Several years ago, I underwent a particularly challenging time, facing—only six weeks apart—the unexpected deaths of my brother and my father. And then, my marriage of 30 years imploded.

Bereft and filled with grief and anger, I got down on my knees and prayed for healing, as no other effort brought relief. What followed in answer to my prayers was the unexpected, intuitive guidance to walk—alone—the legendary Camino de Santiago, an 800-kilometer (500-mile) ancient pilgrimage over the Pyrenees and across Spain . . .With prayer as my constant companion and greatest source of strength, I was able to complete this arduous journey . . . and with it heal a lifetime of emotional pain and heartache, as well as discover a deep and lasting peace in my heart.

The power of prayer during that time is what inspired me to write this little prayer book.More than any other moment in my entire life, I needed and asked for extra help in facing the challenges before me with endless prayers . . . all of which kept me grounded, comforted, and able to move through the difficulties before me with grace. At times, my only prayers were Help me, please, and Thank you. Thank you. Thank you in advance for answering my prayer. Those were enough. My prayers were heard and answered, many beyond my wildest dreams.

Sonia Choquette is a world-renowned intuitive and spiritual teacher who specializes in helping others recognize that we are all endowed with a sixth sense that we can count on. A masterful teacher committed to strengthening intuition in our daily lives, she is the best-selling author of ten books and numerous audio editions.

A highly trained intuitive, with extensive background in the mysticism of East and West, Sonia was educated at the University of Denver and at the Sorbonne in Paris, and holds a Ph.D. in metaphysics. Sonia says, “I am intuitive because I was encouraged at all times to be awake, aware, and guided by my sixth sense. I grew up in an environment that treated intuition not only as natural, but actually essential to successful navigation in life. Intuition is a gift that we all have, that we can all experience, that we can all trust and that we all need!"

Hardcover: 19.99


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