Book Picks: Vaster Than Sky, Greater Than Space — What You Are Before You Became by Mooji

What if all that you believe yourself to be—your body, mind, emotions, and conditioning—is actually what you are not? What if this is merely a self-portrait shaped by false identification, habit, and assumptions?In ever-growing gatherings worldwide, the revered teacher Mooji has opened the eyes of thousands through his rare ability to shine light on the ineffable with uncommon clarity, humor, and warmth.With Vaster Than Sky, Greater Than Space, Mooji uses deep inquiry, insights, wisdom teachings, and parables to inspire and compel us to discover our true nature as pure awareness. By offering direct pointings to Truth while addressing the common challenges that arise in our daily lives, Mooji reveals the timeless, boundless love and freedom that is the natural perfume of who we truly are.• Uses deep inquiry, insights, wisdom teachings, and parables to inspire self-realization while addressing the common challenges that arise in daily life• Combines wit and wisdom that will appeal to fans of Gangaji, Ram Dass, and AdyashantiAnthony Paul Moo-Young, known as Mooji, was born on 29 January 1954 in Port Antonio, Jamaica. In 1969, he moved to the UK and he is presently living in Brixton, London. Anthony worked in London’s ‘West end’ as a street portrait artist for many years, then as a painter and a stained glass artist, and later as a teacher at Brixton College. For a long time, he was well known as Tony Moo, but is now affectionately known as Mooji* by the many seekers and friends who visit him. Over the last 8 years Mooji has been traveling to Spain, Italy, Germany, Sweden, North America, Argentina, Brazil, India, where he conducts Satsang meetings, Intensives and Retreats. He is ever open to meeting sincere seekers of truth, whatever their background.Paperback: 16.95Save

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