Book Picks: White Fire - Spiritual Insights and Teachings of Advaita Zen Master Mooji, by Mooji

“Only when the ego is slain by the white fire of pure seeing will the light be set free—the light that illumines the whole world.”

~ Mooji

Most of us are eventually compelled to search for meaning and fulfillment amidst the increasing busyness, isolation, and uncertainty of daily life. When our outer pursuits have failed to bring lasting contentment, it is our great fortune that we are inspired to turn inward. If you have found yourself on the quest for true Self-discovery and realization, the wisdom and power of White Fire will illumine your way and help you see clearly, thereby ending suffering and unveiling the happiness and everlasting peace that is our natural and effortless state. White Fire is 800 gleaming sparks of wisdom from world-renowned Advaita Zen master Mooji’s essential spiritual teachings. Mooji’s approach is direct and immediate, combining deep spiritual wisdom with revealing self-inquiry. Each one of the quotes and sayings in this brilliant collection has the power to ignite a burning flame within your heart, clear away confusion and doubt, and reveal your true nature as perfect and timeless Being. Divided into five sections, and replete with color photos and Mooji’s mystical ink drawings, White Fire is an unsparing light for complete Self-realization.

Advaita Zen master Mooji was born in Jamaica on January 29, 1954. As a teenager, he moved to London, UK, where he worked as a street portrait artist and then as an art teacher. In 1987, an encounter with a Christian mystic inspired Mooji to “walk out of his life.” In 1993, Mooji traveled to India, where he met his master Sri H. W. L. Poonja, or Papaji, a direct disciple of the great Advaita master Ramana Maharshi. At Papaji’s feet, whatever remained of an active ego within Mooji was finally uprooted. In 1999, people began to recognize Mooji’s radiance and approached him to sit silently in his presence. Soon they started asking him about the nature of consciousness and their own search for Truth.Mooji is unlike anyone else you’re likely to meet, for his presence compels one to question one’s very nature and existence, and exudes a loving compassion and devotion. People from all walks of life are deeply touched by this indefinable presence, and perhaps for the first time experience a natural sense of happiness and peace as they begin to discover who or what they truly are. Mooji’s unity with Truth is also potently shared through self-inquiry—the unsparing light of non-dual wisdom that dispels common delusions and suffering. Each one who meets Mooji with a genuine urge for pure understanding and freedom is pulled by the profundity of his unconditional love and the power of his pointings into the recognition of the infinite Self we already are.

Paperback: 23.95

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