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“I am tired of living in such ‘interesting’ times even as I see how much possibility for good change they bring. But in interesting, historical, times I live and so I will continue to learn, share, change, and heal.”
Welcome to the first Full Moon of 2021! It falls in the sign of Leo and invites us to shine our inner light with strength and humility. Just how we do that is up to us, how rested or depleted we are feeling at any given moment, and what our hearts are being called to illuminate.
The hue and cry from the current global stage has been echoing loudly throughout the world as well as within these Book Reports for quite a while now. Although, upon reflection, I’m not so sure there have ever been circumstances of the greater human journey that have truly been otherwise. Perhaps the difference is that our modern media and social platforms are so seductive and pervasive; constantly and instantly available, promising so much of what we long for - with often questionable reward. The tumult of politics and the pandemic can rattle our boundaries and prompt us to feel both defensive and isolated - even for the most present folks I know.
In the spirit of unhooking from that narrative, I trust that together we can work miracles…one act of kindness after another. I often turn to Pema Chödrön for insight and guidance when things feel a bit more wobbly than others. Her work Awakening Loving-Kindness is one of my favorites.
The Impossible Will Take a Little While by Paul Rogat Loeb,
Active Hope: How to Face the Mess We're in Without Giving Up by Joanna Macy and Chris Johnstone,
Zen and the Art of Happiness by Chris Prentiss,
Finding Inner Courage by Mark Nepo,
The Self-Acceptance Project edited by Tami Simon,
Human Kind by Brad Aronson,
The Art of Stillness in a Noisy World by Magnus Fridh,
A Healing Space: Befriending Ourselves in Difficult Times by Matt Licata, and
Everyday Initiations: How Every Moment is Initiating You to Be Your Best Self by Anne Van De Water
I recently discovered two treasures by Jennifer Adams with illustrations by Carme Lemniscates to recommend--Sometimes keeping things simple and easily relatable is the best remedy for the blues!
With Winter keeping many of us more indoors that out, we might be looking around our homes and feeling like things could use a bit more polish and kind attention. If you’re feeling like shining your love light onto where you live, you’ll find loads of ideas and inspiration here. I’ve been particularly drawn to The Smudgings and Blessings Book by Jane Alexander,
The Home Apothecary by Stacey Dugliss-Wesselman,
Magical Housekeeping by Tess Whitehurst, and
The Hearth Witch's Kitchen Herbal by Anna Franklin. Let’s keep our hearth fires lit as we set our hearts and minds toward continuing to cultivate peace in ourselves and in the world - one breath, one step, one act of love at a time.
“May we all be ‘human beings engaged’ with the world around us, in one way or another. Loudly or softly, on the streets or at the desk...whichever way suits each of us best.
We need it all right now. We need the urgent political conversations...but also the quiet discussions of books and art, folklore and myth, for they serve to keep our hearts open, receptive and responsive.
To remind us of what we're fighting for. And to honor what's soft, and deep, and nuanced at a time when the dominant discourse is too often hard, and shallow, and simplistic.”