Calcite: A stone of Purity, Protection and Reconciliation by Moorea Kern


The belief that the rarer a stone is, the more valuable it becomes is not necessarily the best truth to hold, especially when considering the inherent uses in Calcite. Geologically, Calcite is a ubiquitous material, meaning that is commonly found around the world and may be used for a variety of purposes. It’s often applied as a construction material, agricultural soil treatment, abrasive, pigment and more. In metaphysical terms, Calcite is one of the most advantageous healers. Generally, Calcite is used to clear and amplify energies, making it a potent aid for meditation, studying and increasing prosperity. As it cleanses and centers, the user may feel a burst of creative inspiration and inner peace. This flow of imagination is due to its ability to ground and protect against negative influence. As a result of this attribute, Calcite also helps users with astral travel, dream recall, channeling, and increasing intuition. As it enhances inner peace and compassion, it is a helpful tool for stress relief and reconciling relationships. On a physical level, Calcite is useful for detoxification and increasing physical strength but each color of Calcite has unique additional benefits.

Blue Calcite is a gentle stone used for enhancing relaxation and soothing the nerves. It aids in recuperation and helps to alleviate pain and anxiety. Used on the throat chakra it is an effective communication tool and creativity enhancer.

Clear Calcite, or Optical Calcite, may be used for opening and balancing all of the chakras. It is particularly good as lessening fear and reducing stress, therefore nurturing a positive mental attitude toward future pursuits. Using it brings deep soul healing and major change, making it a stone of new beginnings.

Gold Calcite, or Honey Calcite, is a wonderful stone for attuning to higher mental awareness. It helps ground higher wisdom attained through meditation into the physical realm. It is best placed on the solar plexus or crown chakra.

Green Calcite aids in mental healing as it helps deconstruct rigid beliefs and restores balance. It helps in the process of letting go and aids in the transition from stagnancy to positive change. A powerful physical healer as well, it absorbs disease and soothes inflammation allowing the body to heal itself.

Orange Calcite is an energizing and revitalizing stone that balances emotions, removes fear and helps overcome depression. Especially useful when placed on the lower chakras, it maximizes the user’s potential and helps to prevail over problems.

Pink Calcite, or Mangano Calcite, is a stone of forgiveness and unconditional love. It releases fear and trauma from the past, builds self-acceptance and self-worth. Relieving anxiety and tension, it prevents nightmares and dissolves resistance to change. Best used when placed on the heart chakra.

Red Calcite is a useful stone for removing blockages and stagnant energy. It aids willpower, releases fear and uplifts the emotions. Ideally used on the base chakra to energize and heal.

White Calcite cleanses and amplifies energy in its environment making it a great stone for purifying the home or office. It is also beneficial for cleansing the auric field and all of the chakras. It raises consciousness, restores motivation and accelerates growth making it useful for past life healing and signifying new beginnings.

Yellow Calcite is a restorative stone which helps induce deep states of relaxation and enhance meditation. It has a very expansive energy which stimulates the higher mind when placed on the crown and solar plexus chakras.


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