Music by the Brilliant Musician, Healer, Poet and Astrologer Astarius Miraculii!

Astarius Miraculii

Discover the magic of Astarius Miraculii. Ascension Ambassador and gifted musician & healer, Astarius' music transports you to another dimension. Raise the vibrations of healing, whether you are the healer or the one being healed!

Be sure to check him out in person. He is currently in Ojai until Monday, May 6 & will be performing at the Magic Mastery School on Saturday, May 4 @ 3pm.

The following are the CDs that we carry:

DNA Ascension by Astarius Miraculii

DNA Ascension: The Second Coming of Spirit Rap, $16.98Astarius creates his music with the intention to activate multi-levels of healing. Sound is the access code, the bridge between Heaven and Earth. His main expression is through the aboriginal didgeridoo and vocal harmonics. The low vocal tone grounds the body while the high overtones lift the body on wings of ascension, activating the marriage between Spirit and Body. This new work is a sonic tonic to fire the 12 codes of human DNA and jump-start Ascended Flesh.

Reiki Temple Chants by Astarius Miraculii

Reiki Temple Chants, $16.98This CD is a powerful tool for all Healers, Meditators and Everyone. An Inspiring and Transformational CD of Reiki Symbol Chants and Invocations from the ancient roots of Reiki and the heart of the Buddha with Didgeridoo and Vocal Overtones. This Best Selling CD will empower your life.

Reiki Temple Chants is a powerful, blissful collection of sacred sounds. I love it!" Laurelle Shanti Gaia, author of "The Book On Karuna Reiki.
Sonic Ascension by Astarius Miraculii

Sonic Ascension, $16.98Soaring Vocal Overtones echoing the resonance of Ascension, a Multidimensional Orchestra of Vocal Harmonics. Astarius uses Vocal Harmonics to produce more than one tone simultaneously, with the intention to activate multi levels of healing. This is the same Vocal Art practiced by the Tuvan Throat Singers and the Tibetan Monks. Inspiring, Relaxing, Healing!

Walking on Wings, $16.98 Astarius' newest CD, containing a "best of" selection by Astarius himself!

This is a time of Planetary Ascension. The Earth is shifting to a higher vibration and frequency. Everyone and Everything is vibrating faster and with more Light. All is expanding. Thoughts and behavior which limit and bind us to fear are being infused with Light and Love. This is the new Millennium. We are Creators of the Golden Age of Love, Peace and Harmony. The responsibility to be true to yourself and the highest intentions for your life is greater than ever. The Spiritual Maturity rate will skyrocket and the forces of life will bring some to their heights and others to their depths. What will you choose in the wake of these awesome forces? I am honored to support you in your process.

Astarius has been dedicated to Spiritual Work for more than thirty years. He is a Musician, Healer, Poet and Astrologer. His music is created with the intention to heal and uplift, his poetry points the way to the Higher Self and his approach to Astrology helps the client gain insight and awaken personal power.

Didgeridoo & Vocal Toning

Spirit Rap

The Sacred Apology to Women

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