Celebrate Love February

Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them, humanity cannot survive.

~His Holiness the Dalai Lama

Loving Greetings to our Friends & Community,

Celebrate love: loving kindness, loyal love, unrequited love, puppy love, tough love, true love, unconditional love, spiritual love, inter-species love, agape, erotic, platonic, divine…so many ways to LOVE…so many ways to be LOVING!

With Valentine’s Day around the corner, it is easy to get fixated on romantic love—a delicious, necessary, insufficient experience of the wholeness of love. There is a whole magical universe of love to experience; to drench ourselves in, to revel in, and to dance with. Why limit ourselves? This February we even have an “extra day” to love and be loving.

My February assignment for myself is to actively cultivate the awareness of, and consciously experience as many forms of love as I can squeeze into 29 days. I’m starting with loving the one I’m with 24/7…myself, and expanding outward from there.

What will you do with your “extra” day of love this month? Let's create a Golden Age of Love!

With a heart overflowing,

Teresa, Thule, Tucker & all at Paradise Found

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