Commonsense Almanac By Ben Commons | February 2025

“This entire thing we're involved with called the world, is an opportunity to exhibit how exciting alienation can be. Life is a matter of a miracle that is collected over time by moments, flabbergasted to be in each other's presence. The world is an exam to see if we can rise into direct experience. Our eyesight is here as a test to see if we can see beyond it. Matter is here as a test for our curiosity. Doubt is here as an exam for our vitality.” ~Timothy Levitch

Tips for almanac use: All the aspects can be felt in advance. It is good policy to view these as due dates for various energies and prepare accordingly for your context. It’s akin to bringing an umbrella with you when rain is expected, but it also helps us to not take the weather personally. When we proactively manifest these symbols then the world doesn’t have to do it for us. Choose to be con(with)-siderate(the stars). Reach out to me for personal explorations of these times.

February. Well, this month has very strong themes, and it kind of dances back and forth between the major storylines. One is the continual cleansing, purging, composting, fermenting, et cetera of our old selves and all the experiences, relationships, and memories. Moving on and letting go of our hang ups was never easy, but oh boy is the time ripe and screaming for it. The other big theme is the gradual but steady reveal of our updated personhood and learning how to be a different self within the same relationships that have old momentum woven throughout. This includes lack of tolerance for nonsense that distracts from bigger themes. And if we can somehow allow and flourish with these developments, the possibilities are profound. Blessings to us all!

Venus conjoins Neptune on Saturday 2/1 at 8:33 am pacific, plunging us into a renewal of being. This is a potent alignment that is very ripe if we embrace its promise. The idea is to restart our entire emotional self and how we relate to existence, and particularly our past. It’s another equation of honoring the past, without indulging in rose-colored rear-view mirrors, and releasing whatever remnants lie within to make room for better things to come. The ideal is that what surrounds us should reflect our deeper/higher values of being. Embrace what makes you sparkle.

Mercury trines Jupiter on Monday 2/3 at 1:51 pm pacific, sending the mind a flutter. This is perfect for brainstorming and planning out the steps to achieve our long-term projects. But importantly, this is about reinforcing our connections to friends and community in general. We all need witnesses to our lives or we start to question things or cease to question things adequately. Word salad is great when sharing with friends. Talk it all through.

Venus enters Aries on Monday 2/3 at 11:57 pm pacific, until 3/27. This will add some spice to the mix and establish very important momentum that will last much longer than usual due to Venus’ upcoming retrograde. There will be a need for new challenges and fresh experiences, lest we get dangerously bored. But the real goal is to start bringing this newer version of ourselves, that has been brewing for some time, more out into the open. This will all be open to revision soon enough, so we should start experimenting now with what we would like our reality and relationships to look like.

Jupiter stations direct on Tuesday 2/4 at 1:40 am pacific. This starts us off into the resolution zone. This is where we start to codify all the big ideas and social shifts into a more cohesive form. And we’re talking about a lot of big changes and adjustments in the way we think, communicate, and make decisions. This has been in the air fryer of our beings since 5/25/24, so there’s a lot to keep in mind. It’s not about magically undoing extremism tendencies, but about keeping the flow of the rhythm less prone to dramatic outliers and bursts. The most important thing is how we live in our own minds and bettering that entire paradox.

Venus sextiles Pluto on Friday 2/7 at 4:14 am pacific, frothing up more junk to examine, undo, and clean or toss. This is an urge to purge that could relate to our relationships and may necessitate some deep sharing talks, or some alone time. But this could also be about cleaning out our kitchens, our closets, or our dead storage. Whichever which way, it’s about trimming, or keeping, things focused on the basics. Let the energy drains go for now and focus on what makes you happy.

Mercury conjoins the Sun on Sunday 2/9 at 4:07 am pacific. This is a refresh of the mind-heart relationship, and an opportunity for us to be more visible and open with our recent shifts in being. The idea here is simply to share and connect from an updated perspective, especially with long-term companions in life. People often feel isolated because their relationships don’t reflect their internal shifts, but we have to make the efforts to keep our people updated on ourselves or congruence isn’t possible. Speak your truths.

Mars trines Saturn on Sunday 2/9 at 5:14 am pacific for round two of this trilogy, (9/29/24, now, and 4/4/25). This is the more challenging version but also holds the most promise if we engage in this opportunity to purge our emotional selves of old frustrations, hurts, disappointments, betrayals, et cetera. Of course, this is much safer if done internally, but if it’s something with a very close and trusted person, then this could maybe get addressed after this has passed. But yes, dig deep within and release as much weight as you can from times gone by. Lighten the load.

Mercury squares Uranus on Monday 2/10 at 11:27 am pacific, tossing sparks into the kindling. First and foremost, be cautious in the car and in communication as everybody is prone to distraction and having a short fuse. The brilliant side of this would be to let our minds imagine new and better futures that reflect our natural rhythms and sensibilities. These visions take time and tending to become tangible, so plant the seeds now.

Sun squares Uranus on Tuesday 2/11 at 11:29 am pacific. This will find us with low tolerance for anybody who is distracting us from exploring our fully individual and eccentric selves. However, we should also be available for catch up sessions with friends and loved ones. The goal is, as usual, to keep growing into our fullest selves and to bring people along for the ride. Shine on.

The Full Moon in Leo is on Wednesday 2/12 at 5:53 am pacific. Well, this is an almost simple and pleasant lunation that could bring us back in the mood for some fun and frivolity. The main concern is that everyone will still have very low tolerance, but this could also be channeled into doing something very unconventional, wild even, and reimagining ourselves with the innocence and excitement of childhood. Refresh the innocence.

Mercury enters Pisces on Friday 2/14 at 4:07 am pacific, until 3/3. This period focuses on how we mentally process emotional happenings, and how we emotionally and physically digest the ongoing rambles of the mind. In other words, it’s asking us to re-balance these different systems into a more cohesive and healthier whole. Eating well and getting enough sleep are always recommended, but especially now. Reflect on the different parts of yourself and how they interact and influence the rest. And rest well.

Sun enters Pisces on Tuesday 2/18 at 2:07 am pacific. This Pisces season focuses on our emotional and spiritual depths relative to how much, where, and when we share about these unseen layers. Clearly, we want to be seen for who we really are, but there’s also layers of vulnerability concerns about being so open. It’s a delicate balance that benefits from a compassionate and caring audience, but we’ll never know unless we try. And Happy Birthday Pisces!

Mercury squares Jupiter on Thursday 2/20 at 12:13 pm pacific, getting the mind swirling once again. It’s another details versus big picture equation where, ideally, we balance and weave together the greater mind with our standard narrator. This is squarely focused on how we process things in the quiet and clamor of our minds. How do we digest and integrate it all, and how can we make the whole process more peaceful? Spiritual practices would generally help.

Mercury trines Mars on Sunday 2/23 at 8:57 am pacific, bringing up more delicate situations up for consideration. It’s time for even more processing of our family patterns, friend histories, relationship sagas, co-worker/client tendencies, et cetera. The goal would be to keep releasing the stuck energy, especially from our bodies, so that we will be less triggered and less likely to get ensnared into fresh drama. Breathing exercises and time alone and/or spent in water would help this. Feel it wash away.

Mars stations direct on Sunday 2/23 at 6:00 pm pacific. This starts us down the path to resolution of so much emotional upheaval and remembrances from the last five months. And somehow the emotional quotient is still as prominent as it has been throughout, but with a bent towards functionality, respect, and maturity. The answer we seek is how to achieve a calmer and more peaceful outlook on our present situations, hopefully less encumbered by all the tribulations of the past. But whatever is left to expunge and wrap-up, the time is ripe. May the compost become new growth.

Mercury conjoins Saturn on Tuesday 2/25 at 4:01 am pacific. This is asking us to process and release yet more ancient detritus from the library of the mind. Let us choose to move through and past the old hurts and lack of support. On a lighter side, this could be used for making plans of action towards more self-support and self-care. What practices would keep you in a mellower and more peaceful state?

Mercury sextiles Uranus on Thursday 2/27 at 1:37 am pacific¸ urging us to break on through to the other side of endless emotional stewing and brewing. There’s been a lot of themes around how we excise the ghosts of our past from our current selves. This gives us space to envision and put into practice what could come to fill this newly cleared land. What do we want to cultivate with our reclaimed energy and awareness?

The New Moon in Pisces is on Thursday 2/27 at 4:44 pm pacific. Alright, this is a powerfully personal, rejuvenating, and ethereal lunation. It’s a super potent opportunity to rebirth ourselves from the inside out. We don’t have to know what it will look like, and definitely not the details, it just has to reflect our innermost selves in their totality, spend some time germinating in the depths, and then spring forth into the light. This is beyond translating as a whole because it will be ultra unique to each of us. Grow the new you.

Okay February, wow, that was a lot. Hopefully, we all made it through with a lighter load, new insights, fresh plans, and more of our energy available to venture forth into the eternal unknown that we call the future. May we all keep integrating and blasting through the blockages!

  Ben Commons

ASTROLOGER | Ben has been studying astrology since 1994 and started doing readings professionally in 2002. He is also a practicing Reiki master, and works with stones for healing. He uses astrology as a strategic tool and calls himself an Astro-strategist.

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