After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music.
~Aldous Huxley
Greetings to our friends & community,
Paradise Found opened in 1986 with the vision of helping people experience peace of mind, especially through music. At that time, there had been an explosion in our understanding of the impact of sound and music on our mind/body/spirit connection--ancient practices of sound healing met science.
While I appreciate the science of sound, what speaks to me most is the power of music to awaken that which is beautiful, true and good in us. Music has the power to access deep places where words can only live in approximation. Music has the capacity to touch us deeply and give us access to emotion. Music is the language of spirit and a portal to transcendence.
And so, the originating vision of peace through music continues as we partner in bringing Tina Malia and Hans Christian back to Santa Barbara. Both of these artists have given me treasured experiences—little pearls and gems of inspiration, transcendence and beauty that I carry with me.
Listening to live music in shared communion is a sacred occurrence that is both intensely personal and collective.
We invite you to join us!Teresa, spirit of Thule, Tucker, Huxley, and all at Paradise Found