Full Moon August 1, 2012 @ 10 degrees Aquarius 11:27 p.m. EDT 8:27 p.m. PDT
From within or from behind, a light shines through us upon things, and makes us aware that we are nothing, but the light is all.
--Ralph Waldo Emerson
Stress, neither good nor bad, just the accumulation of energy that needs to move, has been prevalent for some people over these last few days. Perhaps it is the result of the Uranus/Pluto square, its continued effect persistently urging some of us to dispense with an array of emotions that trap us in unintelligent and illusory ways of being. Even when we appear to have everything, there is still a dissatisfaction that can only be dispelled by awareness. Awareness is, no matter what else may be going on, but the power of the mind would convince us otherwise just to perpetuate it self.The numerology of this Full Moon is 5—the number of Mercury and change. It is also the number of human potential. What changes will occur that reveal a deeper sense of our potential, both as individuals and collectively? With moon in Aquarius the sign of evolution, communal and collective effort, we have an opportunity to examine the self from a place of relative detachment and with a view of the ‘big picture’. Open hearts emerge and altruistic concerns rise with them.From a conscious point of view, with the Sun in Leo, natural ruler of the 5th house, we are in a position to realize self as the creator of all that is external. And to take it one step further, to realize that everything exists within that—and there is no separation. The creative energy flows from that place easily and gracefully. Everything we do occurs within the natural flow of timeless perfection. And then we get to see that, out here, in physical reality such that we think we have done something to make it happen. The individual appears to go through certain motions but the underlying source of creation just is. When this is seen the perception of a separate self falls away and what is left is “that”, awareness, liberation.The Aquarius/Leo axis expresses the realized self in a way that has the potential of benefitting others. Leo can be self-centered but, in an attempt to understand that which we have expressed in the previous paragraph. It is not the individual as the center but the opposite, everything within the “center” so to speak. Then with characteristic generosity, Leo shines this illumination for everyone. Radiance is contagious.The moon as recipient of this energy shines forth in ways that only further the collective desire to share for the highest good. There is no ego projection, just a simple effort to give that which is truth with widespread optimism and brotherly/sisterly love.If we cruise in the realm of ego gratification our attention seeking may be met with a cool indifference that to some Leos can be ego shattering as they will have gone to great lengths to impress and be noticed. The chances of this however, are few J. I have to add the smiley face as the chances of anything happening are just the same as anything else except that both Jupiter and Pallas Athene figure prominently in this Full Moon chart.Together they elevate action and reaction to a place of benevolent wisdom cast about with strength and eagerness. Pallas at 11 degrees Aries sextiles the moon and trines the Sun while Jupiter at 10 degrees Gemini exactly sextiles the Sun and trines the moon. With the weaving together of these four energies the outcome is sure to enlighten and enliven beyond the few days during which we experience the opposition of these luminaries.Along side Pallas, within 3 degrees is the ruler of Aquarius, Uranus that quickens this whole process and stands up for freedom for the individual, freedom for all. And with the Pluto/Uranus square we can be assured that change continues to happen, old structures are in a state of death and rebirth.Briefly we will mention the approaching exact trine between Saturn in Libra and Venus in Gemini. This aspect may be contributing to the stress that some people are feeling as the issue of relationship may be foremost on the agenda. There are of course two sides to this combination—either a relationship which has lacked commitment finds new reasons for declaring responsibility for each other or what is difficult or challenging about interactions together may ultimately become the bond breaker.As Venus in Gemini can be restless and Saturn in Libra represents traditional relationship, the urge might be to run if the times get tough and with moon in Aquarius, from an emotional standpoint this may appear to be the rational thing to do.No right or wrong. A decision can be based upon your current sense of self worth and the nature of your needs in this moment. Of course those who have natal planets aspecting either 25 degrees Gemini or 24 degrees Libra will experience this test most acutely.What most wants to be experienced in these days when the warmth of summer amplifies our instinctive desire to nurture and care for each other, is the natural structure that sustains us; the unconditional love that binds all of us together in a circle that spirals inward and outward simultaneously, where death and birth occur with such rapidity that it is noticed that birth and death are not separate incidences and in fact we are not born nor do we die. The responsibility for inhabiting of the truth and liberation stands at the precipice of the discovery that “I am perfection” or wholeness or “that”. The wounds that have perpetuated our story are non-existent.The Sabian symbol for this Full Moon is at 11 degrees Aquarius (always round up a degree): “During a silent hour, a man receives a new inspiration that may change his life.” In stillness we perceive that which is our true nature whereupon all that occurs can only do so in a way that serves us in perfection. To accept all that happens as perfection is to understand “that” and indeed does represent a complete change from how life may have been experienced previously. In silence the mind is still so that we might glimpse what else lies apparently hidden from us.At this Full Moon opening to embrace collective interests secure in the self as a well established entity whose perceived existence is an impediment to liberation. Expand thinking to the point of piercing the bubble and rest in knowing the ultimate experience is unending delight in a universe of infinite unfolding.