Cosmic Path New Moon Aug 17 2012 by Anna Chapman

New Moon August 17, 2012 @ 25 degrees Leo 11:54 a.m. EDT 08:54 a.m. PDT

“The fox provides for himself, but God provides for the lion.”

~William Blake

Between two full moons in this month. Of the light, plunged into darkness to return to light. Between the parentheses lies the clue to resolving the equation. If our dives have been shallow, they are about to become deeper. The truth lies within the deepest folds of awareness and very worth the while of retrieving, from the source of our greatest fear, a place of our own annihilation. Should we not consider the deepest aspects of what it is to be a human being?

The fifth house naturally ruled by Leo, is the house of self-expression and

self-realization. So many layers of discovery, each and every one beautiful as it expresses “that”; all the petals become the rose. The rose itself, energy in form, a stunning expression of “that”. Every human being, energy in form, an equally amazing expression of “that”. Leo, ruled by the Sun, radiates all that is an expression of our undefined, unchanging, boundless anti-ism. Radiance of being requires nothing except the pure expression of Self. It may be the easiest ‘task’ imaginable and yet a mighty structure has been created, since the beginning, to guide us to what is absolutely intrinsic.

Just how many steps to Enlightenment? The answer to that varies according to the story, all very detailed. 108 is a number that relates to: steps leading to a Buddhist temple, beads in a Hindu prayer necklace, Gopis (cow herding girls) surrounding Krishna. In Vedic astrology importance is placed upon Lunar motion rather than Solar position. The moon moves through one sign or nakshastra per day. Each nakshastra is further divided into four segments known as padas. There are 108 padas or steps in Vedic astrology that define the path to the divine.

There are various other numbers assigned to the steps required to complete this ancient quest--Awakening to the Buddha within: 8 steps to Enlightenment, Merging with Shiva, 5 steps to Enlightenment and the 9 (number of completion) steps to Enlightenment provided by a journey through the chakras. Buddha knew that the nature of everything is, all the rest is something human beings have fabricated for whatever reasons might serve to perpetuate the ego. Even our notion of what exists after “death” is such a story as we find it impossible to imagine nothing or everything.

Leo has the capacity to reach into the heart and share of it Self, warmth and light in abundance. It is no longer about the self but abiding in Self that allows one to freely radiate the ‘gifts’ of our unlimited nature. When it flows out with such ease, we find that it returns with equal ease, in fact that nothing has ever left or returned, as it all, is, always.

We have found the door to vast, eternal, creative, now; the ever expression of “that” in surround sound + all the other senses and thoughts we have had since what we perceive to be the ‘beginning’. The word beauty, as an expression of perfection is used to describe this that exists in physical form in all of its manifestations. Leo, the Sun, glorious and beauty beyond description--the golden lion--mastering the alchemical process of turning lead into gold.

It is the truth and expressions of “that”. Not the expressions discovering “that”. We have nothing at our fingertips. It is not a case of whether first came the chicken or the egg. There is no chicken and there is no egg. Each man is not an island. There is no need necessary to “that” only to what exists to the ego. All of our pursuits perpetuate the ego.

Now at this New Moon there is such an awareness of the superficiality of our existence that a collective shock wave disintegrates the grid of consciousness that has served to define us. In the darkness we shall witness lights popping on, stippling the night with brilliant possibility.

Our actions (Mars) and our desires (Venus) have met with sufficient encouragement (from Pluto and Uranus) that we redefine our values and how we react to situations. The energy of the New Moon in July included a t-square--Pluto square a Mars/Uranus opposition--the ‘structure’ heaves and shifts even more. With Mars in Libra--action that activates natural balance. In politics the realization by the people that neither/nor are equipped to provide what is needed to guide us into the light. What we see, as our values include self acceptance and love, (this New Moon: Venus in Cancer opposing Pluto and squared by Uranus) is a deeper notion of what it means to honor the Self and the Collective that further erodes the monolithic structure built upon a multitude of stories. The underpinnings are distressed and exhausted.

The Saturn/Mars sextile to the New Moon ensures that responsible actions will prevail; that wisdom and discernment dominate and that stressful situations relax as physical tensions subside in the face of clear and focused direction. A leader appears out of the vast greyness that governs this landscape. He may not be recognized at first but his slow yet determined rise to prominence will lend meaning to what otherwise seems a dismal experience. The collective has finally stood up and expressed its real desire. The lion roars. Those governing are the governed.

The Sabian symbol for this New Moon at 26 degrees Leo (always round up to the next degree) is “a perfect rainbow forms slowly in the summer rain as the sun begins to break through the rather thin cloudbanks.” There are many, many myths about rainbows and their significance to us. They have transported gods to the physical worlds and humans to the cosmic worlds. They contain all colors that when combined produce white, the color of spirit. At the end of the rainbow lies the pot of gold, another reference perhaps to the divinity that we all seek and yet which seems so elusive. At this time the mists of confusion clear and we see the bridge that will carry us from this limited existence to the place where all things and no things are—no effort required.

The numerology for this New Moon is 3. In the Tarot this is the Empress--abundance, manifestation, creation. Overflowing with grace, she births, in physical reality, form as an expression of “that”. She is the messenger that travels between the worlds fully capable of whatever can be envisioned. Relating to the trine, the number 3 experiences ease of motion and graceful acknowledgment of all that transpires on all levels. 3 is a number that vanquishes resistance.

There is a magical quality that inhabits this New Moon and though we might imagine unicorns and utopia it is all symbolic of the perfect state within which we already are, without judgment. It is inaccurate even to refer to it as a state as nothing can describe ‘it’ only contribute to the knowing of what ‘it’ is not. The lion distributes gifts from the heart that we should be prepared to receive with open arms. In the last decan of Leo the flames burn so fiercely that nothing remains to distinguish what is you or I. The inhabitants are purified. We see neither land or human but the beautiful empty panorama of pure spirit.

Next: a Blue Moon. Is it really a special moon?

Sabian symbol: sun/moon sextile Saturn/Mars

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