New Moon @ 26 degrees Cancer July 19 12:24 a.m. EDT/July 18 9:24 p.m. PDTGo flatline:[from cyberpunk SF, refers to flattening of EEG traces upon brain-death] (also adjectival flatlined). 1. To die, terminate, or fail, esp. irreversibly. In hacker parlance, this is used of machines only, human death being considered somewhat too serious a matter to employ jargon-jokes about. 2. To go completely quiescent; said of machines undergoing controlled shutdown. “You can suffer file damage if you shut down Unix but power off before the system has gone flatline.” 3. Of a video tube, to fail by losing vertical scan, so all one sees is a bright horizontal line bisecting the screen.Rolling waves press against the sand and retreat. Great weight and weightlessness. It is the same. In darkness or in light we are and do not change. In darkness and further from the conscious we allow our selves to meet that which rests silently between two thoughts, two breaths. Deep within the cave whose eyes stare out from the emptiness?Decans refer to the 10 degree segments of each sign. Neptune rules the third decan of Cancer and amplifies the sensitivity associated with this New Moon. Intuition, imagination and illumination highlight this several day period. There is little to do here with thinking or the analytical process. The action focuses on a deeper level where still waters envelop feeling, caress doubt, worry, fear. Submerged in a harmonious inner landscape we relax; beyond flatlining…there is no line.Do all boundaries dissolve and we are set free to drift whither the breeze doth carry us? Neptune squaring the nodal access suggests a continuation of spiritualization or the recognition of self as divine that stands each of us in the light of truth and liberation. And Saturn forming the only aspect to the Sun/Moon will make sure that we remain grounded in reality whilst undertaking this journey from no where to no where. We may have nothing upon which to focus attention but we are not lost.According to the Sabian symbol for this degree of Cancer all that is lost is anattachment to social conditioning that creates separation: “A violent storm in acanyon filled with expensive homes.” It takes the power of natural forces to remind us what is of value. Material form is transient while “we” are eternal.There is calm at the eye of a storm and that is what we most want to connect withas the Mars, Pluto, Uranus t-square can generate great turbulence. It could berather volcanic by nature meaning a slow rumbling that eventually erupts hurling unexpressed emotion outward for the highest good. (Remember not to take things personally and be aware of what you are doing. The other guy might not be so vigilant.) This energy has been building for over a week as Mars moves into exact opposition to Uranus on the 18th. Definitely a catalyst for transformation.
The empty point of the t-square is at 7 degrees Cancer, in opposition to Pluto. The Sabian symbol for this position is “a group of rabbits dressed in human clothes walk as if on parade.” The point of resolution therefore is tied to our ability to creatively rise to another level of self-expression; to utilize our inherent energy to realize our selves with greater potential. This point of stillness, 7 degrees Cancer, trines Chiron at 9 degrees Pisces. Chiron in Pisces, the healer quietly mending the warp and the weft the beauty of which is not a multitude of threads crisscrossing at right angles but a vast vacant landscape within which we all tumble and laughter fills the cosmos.A story that may appeal to the mind, the collective of which is in the process ofmaturation on a level, the level to which we focus our attention as the individualmind greets the possibility of annihilation (def.: 2.Physics The phenomenon inwhich a particle and an antiparticle, such as an electron and a positron, meet andare converted completely to energy approximately equivalent to the sum of their masses.). These words that attempt to explain and define what we observe in our observable universe are the ‘property’ of Mercury.In this New Moon chart Mercury is trine Pallas Athene, both at 11 degrees, in Leoand Aries respectively. Pallas Athene in Aries, the Goddess of independent birth,fully mature and armor clad when she stepped from her father’s (Zeus/Jupiter)brow. Single focus. Elevating the course of ‘seeking self’, displaying strengths andcommunicating all from the heart (Mercury in Leo). The number 11 itself is therecognition of ‘not two’. Creativity flourishes. New insights that move us along the track (Uranus conjunct Pallas Athene within 3 degrees). Not a better mouse trap but how to get rid of the mouse trap altogether. Brilliance surrounds us. When the lion roars (in Vedic astrology Mercury is associated with the God Budh who has four arms and whose vehicle is the lion) we will listen.As the flames leap higher we notice that the fire gets cooler. It burns from red-hot to violet allowing for the ‘consumption of all perceived imperfections that stand in the way of man’s knowing the I am presence’. The violet flame is the product of ancient alchemists, of which St. Germain was one, who sought to transmute lead (human negativity) into gold (divine energy). It is possible that a violet flame was produced as the result of a combination of various chemicals employed for this purpose. It is thought that by invoking the violet flame that one may dissolve karma and free one self from the limitations of a physical existence.As we move through the last months of 2012 our experiences will appear surrealagainst a stagnant backdrop. The observed will stand in high contrast to theobserver. Without effort we will find our selves navigating with a delightful grace,interacting with love and performing with ease. Touching, merging and emerging in absolute presence. Miracles are commonplace and this we should expect.Thank you and have a delightful two weeks.