Crystals for a Year of Clear Vision by Darren Campbell

Happy New Year! Welcometo 2020, the Year of Clear Vision. Whether you create New Year's Resolutions or simply strive to be your best self, here are a few fab stones to help begin the next phase of the journey in this new decade.

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Rainbow Moonstone is a stone of New Beginnings. Acting as a talisman, it aids on inward journeys, and helps to facilitate inner growth and inner strength. In working with this stone, one can release repressed feelings and soothe emotional instability and stress. Through 'flashes' of insight, Moonstone enhances intuition and inspiration. It even helps to promote success and good fortune.

new year | crystals

Amazonite is a soothing, balancing stone helping dispel negative energy, both in oneself and in others. It assists in communicating one's true thoughts and feelings, helping one to have the courage to speak their truth. It is also a stone of prosperity and new opportunities, making it an ideal stone for luck and success.

new year | crystals

Tiger's Eye is a stone of protection and motivation. It helps promote mental clarity and emotional stability, and is useful in dispelling fear and anxiety. Tiger's Eye boosts confidence, courage, and willpower, and is helpful in preparing positive actions and moving toward success.Where do you have your sights set? What is your plan for this coming decade? Brings these stones along for the ride and reap the benefits they have to offer.

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