[caption id="attachment_19156" align="alignleft" width="300"]
Tiger's Eye[/caption]As we approach Father's Day, I think it is extremely important to bring recognition to a new era developing, one which is long overdue, shining a light on unbalanced masculinity and discovering how best to move forward with awareness, purpose and strength of character with the male archetypes in our lives.In researching for this article, I admit I was a little surprised that I couldn't find much on this subject. Some were on track speaking in general times with balancing yin/yang energy, and others speaking of stones more geared to a male energy in general, but I think we need to go much deeper than that. We need to confront the imbalance which needs so much healing in our current patriarchal society.Even for me, as a gay man who hasn't always been comfortable with myself--my portrayal in the world by society, my compatibility (or lack thereof) with both the straight & gay culture alike, my own feelings of inadequacy or overcompensation to fit in to the masculine archetype. And really, many of the undesirable masculine aspects are from cultural norms or acceptance, something which is not innate, but is indoctrinated. Boy stuff is blue, they play with guns, they play rough, they're simply 'being boys'. Men are not allowed to cry or to be vulnerable. They are to be tough and quiet and strong.But you know what? The reckoning has come and there are thankfully many who are actively trying to do better. Many already are more aware and are doing everything they can to affect the next generation. I have seen a shift over the years and know that much is possible. It sounds silly, but I am still astounded to see how many straight men now hug each other when saying goodbye. Something I was afraid to do for many years as a gay man living in areas which were not always welcoming of my kind. I still make a conscious effort to shake hands (and have a masculine handshake at that) with men I don't know well and get a real shock if they hug me instead. I now know several men who are stay at home dads while their wife is out in the world with a successful career. I see little things every day which still surprise, and shouldn't, but I am happy to see them. In some ways the world is changing for the better, and I think we can actively work to keep it going.Below is a list of some stones to help improve the masculinity in our lives. At Paradise Found, we are here are to help you on your way to perfecting your collection. And we have every single one of these rocks in stock.
Enhances positive male qualities. Dispels fears, strengthens openness and compassion and patience.
Helps men to open the heart and be more receptive.
Transmutes lower vibrational energies into positive. Generates acceptance and confidence. Alleviates negative traits and fears.
Helps to release ingrained patterns and balance the pituitary gland.
Allows for moving past the search for perfection and realize life isn't perfect. Brings with it a tough love in changing oneself in order to move forward.
Aids in shining your light. Is an antidepressant and reverses feelings of failure.
Motivates one in making positive life choices.
Unblocks self-imposed obstructions and releases linear tendencies.
Helpful in grounding masculine ideas of support/caregiver roles thereby alleviating the stress of always needing to be successful and to provide for the family.