December Book Picks

When The Chocolate Runs Out (H)by Lama YesheDelightful and profound! We all love chocolate - perhaps so much so that on some level we may believe, "As long as I have chocolate, I'll be happy." But sometimes the chocolate disappears, and we get nervous, upset - or at the very least, quite cranky. This funny and trenchant little volume attempts to answer the question of how we can be happy even after the "chocolate" has run out.

War Of The Worldviews: The Struggle Between Science & Spirituality (H) by Deepak Chopra and Leonard MlodinowDeepak Chopra asserts that there is design in the universe and a deep intelligence behind the rise of life. Leonard Mlodinow, CalTech physicist and the writing collaborator for Stephen Hawking, argues for the viewpoint of science, specifically of modern quantum physics. Vivid readable prose that respectfully looks at the “big questions” wearing different glasses.

Blowin' In The Wind (Includes Audio CD) (H) by Bob Dylan and illustrated by Jon MuthDylan's poetic lyrics defined an era, and Jon J Muth is the perfect artist to interpret this iconic song for a new generation of readers. This beautiful edition includes a CD of Dylan's original 1963 recording.

Any Jon Muth book is a treasure: try Zen Shorts, Zen Ties, Zen Ghosts, The Three Questions, Stone Soup

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