If you want to hear dynamic chanting at its most ecstatic, Dave Stringer is for you.
~Music Design Review
Oh the joys of Kirtan! There is something to be said about the power of a Kirtan concert. Add 1 part divine chants to 2 parts exuberant audience, plus a dash of call and response singing, and the result is astounding.
Dave Stringer takes this recipe even further into such ecstatic, joyful resonance that you wish for nothing more than to be singing and dancing all night long. Dave Stringer concerts, for me, are by far the most exciting chant concerts I have had the pleasure of attending. Soak up the vibes at the Faulkner Gallery, Friday, December 9th. Everyone should be there or be square. You know you want to join us!
Devakinandana Gopala
Shri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram
Also, this month finds us at the time of year when lyrical carols are gracing us with their presence.
Winter, Fire & Snow by Orla Fallon--Celtic Christmas music at its finest by one of the Celtic Women. What a beautiful voice. And one of the best CDs I’ve heard in the genre.
Winter Poem by Secret Garden--One of my favorite groups in existence. A fantastic CD to add to your collection—Christmas and everyday music alike.
December by Chris Botti--Soft, jazzy Christmas songs performed by a true master of the trumpet. A must own.
December by George Winston (20th Anniversary Edition!)--What more to be said than phenomenal pianist and composer, George Winston, performing fantastic, timeless music you can listen to from year to year.
Om Shanti