DJ Darren~February Peace Through Music

A brand new selection of music has just arrived!

We welcome about a dozen new titles to the store, and over the next few months, I will gradually be showcasing them, in the newsletter and in blog posts on our website. But in the meantime, if you just can’t wait to find out all of the new titles, come on in and check out the new board for yourself. Take a seat in our listening booths and discover the magic sounds we offer.

Be the Light by Shastro

The first step on our journey brings us to... Be the Light by Shastro

Shastro is one of the leading names in relaxation music and one of my favorite musicians in this genre. Combining the sounds of guitar, ethnic flutes, kora, clarinet, various percussion, santoor and vocals, this new album is a magical journey in search of the Divine.

By "light" I refer to the flame of consciousness that burns inside each one of us.

It has been called by many names: presence, witness, soul, higher self, true nature, beingness,’s what will be left once our bodies return to the elements and it’s what was there before our bodies were born. It's every person’s direct source to true wisdom, infinitely deeper and more vast than any belief system one might have. It's what all the enlightened mystics who have walked the planet have been again and again pointing us toward.

We are indeed living in interesting times; many of our political and religious leaders, mainstream medias, multi-national corporations, banking systems, are all contributing in a massive propaganda to keep man in fear and in control through both psychological conditioning and financial slavery.

Yet, on the other end we are also seeing in people a growing interest to get in touch with the deeper truth that lays within themselves.

On a planetary level we are witnessing an awakening of consciousness and an increase in the awareness that we are not separate from each other and from the planet but we are all living parts of a wondrous, universal organic whole. Indeed I see no easier way to dispel the darkness on the planet than for each of us to experience our inner light, to discover “who is looking through our own eyes” as the poet and mystic Rumi would say.

In creating this musical collection, I looked for the music that to me most points toward the Source, music that would inspire and nudge one toward that light, like a finger pointing to the moon.


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