DJ Darren~February Peace Through Music

Ahhh Love. At its most pure, it is eternally beautiful. It is ubiquitous, enduring and unconditional.

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="202"]
banksy child heart painter 2-1
Heart Graffiti by Banksy[/caption]

May you live each and every moment with purpose, from a space which originates in Love.

May you breathe love IN and breathe love OUT.

May you be of one mind and one heart with all of creation, living your daily life with Grace, Beauty, Compassion & Kindness.

This is my Valentine’s wish for you.

The following CDs inspire Love In Action...Instrumental…

Whispering Heart by Raphael & Shakya

Whispering Heart by Raphael & ShakyaOne of our favorite new CDs, this album synergistically blends harp and cello, a pairing at once romantic and mystical, inviting you into a space of loving presence and tranquility.

“All pieces carry the vivid spark of the moment, out of which Raphael and Shakya draw their inspiration. In fact, the music points towards that which you can sense in-between and behind the single sounds: empty space which gives birth to the flow of life; where there is nothing to do, and where nothing can be reached. Loving presence. May listening to this music guide you to feel the healing space around you and in the depth of your heart.”


Between the Shores of our Souls by Mirabai Ceiba

Between the Shores of our Souls by Mirabai CeibaEach and every song on this beautiful album features the love poetry of both Rumi and Kahlil Gibran. As if this isn't amazing enough, add the spectacular vocals of Angelika and Markus, as well as a perfect blend of harp, guitar, viola, cello & soft trumpet. For those of you who have yet to discover this stunning duo, now is the time...and for those of you who already know of them, this is a must for your music collection!

Between the Shores Of Our Souls recently qualified as Album of the Year and Best Vocal Album for the 2012 ZoneMusicReporter Annual Music Awards.

We look forward to seeing you in the store. Stop by and check out this music (and more!) for yourself...

Om Shanti

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