DJ Darren~June Peace Through Music

Some people talk to animals. Not many listen though. That's the problem.

~A.A. Milne

Take a walk on the wild side and embrace your inner ‘creature’. It is time to tap into the innate wisdom of our friends from the animal kingdom. As humans, we do all the talking, but hardly any listening. Yet, in the grand scheme of things, we know next to nothing of the natural world in which we live. Most of us hardly even venture out into it, spending a staggering 90% of our lives indoors!

Animals, on the other hand, are born ready. They grow more quickly, learn more quickly, adapt more quickly. They are even born with the innate wisdom encompassing the deep-seeded knowledge learned by each and every one of their predecessors. Can you imagine such instincts? I cannot.

So let’s go primal! Delve deep into the inner recesses of your being, probing for that slumbering animal. Awaken the beast within and let it shine! Embody your inner lion and roar, or your inner monkey and climb tree, or even your inner dolphin and swim and play to your heart’s content in the ocean.

Here are some CDs to get you started:

Reiki Whale Song

Reiki Whale Song—Still one of our best-selling CD’s after all these years (continuously sold here since 2001!), Australian based artist, Kamal, pairs flute and synthesizer with recordings of humpback whales. Absorb the messages of the whales and get lost on a beautiful inner journey. A must have in your CD collection, perfect for any form of bodywork!

Songbird Sunrise by Dr. Jeffrey Thompson

Songbird Sunrise—Dr. Jeffrey Thompson’s work with brainwave therapy is clinically proven and highly formative. Healing brainwave frequencies, in this case Alpha waves, the brainwave state of relaxation, are subliminally added to the “sounds of morning songbirds”. A perfect way to begin your day, or even a delightful way to end it.

Meditative Rainforest by Dr. Jeffrey Thompson

Meditative Rainforest—Also by Dr. Jeffrey Thompson, immerse yourself deep into the heart of the Sri Lankan jungle. Listen to the sounds of insects and frogs telling the tales of their homeland. Using the meditative brainwave state of Theta waves, this album will help the beginner, and the expert, to more easily enter, and stay engaged, in a meditative state.

Om Shanti

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