Spring is on the move! With such a gentle Winter behind us, I think it is time to safely harvest the fruit of our wintry labors. Embrace any reflective developments brought about by the slower and mellower time of year and apply them to yourself for new beginnings this month. Bring about any changes that only you are capable of achieving.
For me, this has resulted in a renewed sense of joy in being active in Nature. Get out there! Feel the kind of bliss that arises from physical activity. Feel the kind of bliss which only Nature can provide.
Music to inspire you to greatness...
Elephant Power—For any of you still not in-the-know, this is a must-own CD. Talented rap artist, MC Yogi, accompanied by chant singers such as Krishna Das and Jai Uttal, raps Hindu tales about Ganesh, Shiva, Hanuman and more! Embrace your inner elephant power!
From Night to the Edge of Day—Chanteuse, Azam Ali, with the beauty and charm of her upbringing, sings haunting Persian music encased in the rhythm and melodies of the Middle East. This album “is dedicated to her son Iman; with a special aim to promote social transformation and the spirit of service to mankind and the natural world.”
Egypt Unveiled—The duo of Phil Thornton & Hossam Ramzy is always a delight. The artists behind one of my favorite CDs ever, Enchanted Egypt, continue with their distinctive styles to create another captivating album embodying the sounds of Egypt.
Drum Cargo: Rhythms of Water—The Gordon Bros. are at it again. Second in their drum cargo series (and I think one of the best of their drumming CDs to date), feel the rhythms of water; the pure power and energy. Absorb this into your being. Move, activate, flow!
I hope you find as much enjoyment in these CDs as I do. Get into the rhythm…get into the movement! Remember you are welcome to listen to all musical CDs in advance of purchase. Stop in today and check out our selection for yourself!
Om Shanti