DJ Darren~March Peace Through Music

What a year!

We’re only 2 months in and I feel like I’ve run 2 marathons and competed in a no-holds-barred wrestling match. There’s a feeling of fatigue, but even more, I’m feeling energized, like nothing can stand in my way.

Between the sense of time ‘flying by’ and the crazy astrology (which I hear is only going to get crazier! We are headed for the AstrOlympics, according to our very own Ben Commons), it is in times like these that I find myself leaning more toward meditative music in my environment. I bring the relaxing vibe of Paradise Found home with me via some of the musical selections that we carry.

One of my fave new albums, is the brand new:

Savasana 3 Natural Beauty by Wah!

Savasana 3, Natural Beauty by Wah!

Offering rich, Sanskrit vocals, Wah! has done it again...producing another excellent CD; perfect for relaxation, meditation, yin or therapeutic yoga, or any other contemplative state of being.

Each track has a title such as: Moon, Mountain, Sunlight & Wind. Embrace the inspiration of Nature, just as Wah! has, embrace the idea that doing nothing is ok, and embrace the idea that each of us deserves time to simply BE.

The sun is setting… grasshoppers, birds and butterflies find their nests… dusk begins with a serenade of crickets… You offer a prayer into Nature… for peace and protection… The Moon gently rises in all her glory, shimmering blessings to all the sentient beings… Underneath the moon, a flower blossoms… the fragrance finds you in the gentle wind. The mountains revel in the darkness and mist, and send sweet reverence into the valley… You look up and see the stars… twinkling reminders of our own Universe… you dream… you sleep… A ray of sunlight sparkles through the trees… misting rain slowly sets in… the wind calls to you gently… creatures and plants in the forest open to new life… the ocean, earth and sky offer you their blessings…

Om Shanti

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