Gratitude is the music of the heart, when its chords are swept by the breeze of kindness.
~Author Unknown
STMSD! Sounds True Musical Slam Dunk!
Several times a year, we receive new listening stations from Sounds True. This is a two-fold process. In Part 1, we add to inventory the new musical selections that have just arrived and, I must say, the current selection is hot!
Medicine Melodies by Silvia NakkachYoga is Union by VariousMusic to Change Your Brain by Dr. Jeffrey ThompsonSolace by Michael Brant de MariaTibetan Meditation Music by Nawang KhechogCrystal Bowl Sound Healing by Tryshe DhevneyGypsy Grooves by PriyoShakuhachi Flute Meditations by Riley Lee
In Part 2, we go through the titles from the music on the old board to find “the keepers”—titles which sold well enough that we just don’t want to let them go. For the first time ever, every single music CD sold so well that we kept them all!
If you haven’t seen the new Sounds True board, come on in and check it out. And, if you haven’t already discovered “the keepers”, check them out too! They are here to stay…
Stillness Inside (the best selling instrumental CD for the last 12 months) by Paul HornHarp Music for Healing by Sarajane WilliamsSongs of Tara by VariousSongs of Mary by VariousGoodnight Baby by Joshua LeedsKirtan Kids by Jai Uttal
Om Shanti