The magic's in the music and the music's in me...
~John Sebastian
he musical selection for this month ‘Had me at hello’. I was familiar with the artist Lisa Lynne, an amazing harpist, but how much better could it get than a group named “Lisa Lynne and the Elfin Love Tribe”?
If that doesn’t just make it all worthwhile right then and there, how about the title Instrumental Songs of Good Cheer? Even the happiest person on earth could use more happiness. Why not? And, though this CD is perfect for any occasion, it is calling to me at this very moment as the perfect album for entering into this Autumnal and festive time of year.
Filled with Celtic harp, various world flutes, Swedish nyckleharpa, mandolins, and dulcimers; a tapestry is woven, filled with delight and merriment. Join in the sacred Dance, Play with the Faery folk and Celebrate.
Because I have in the past received many lovely letters and videos from school kids that have made up dances to the original Elfin Love Tribe Fairie Tales CD, I pretty much made this record for them. I am going to send it out to as many dance teachers as I can find for the purpose of creating dances to the tunes. I will then take my video crew out to the local schools and do a three camera shoot to celebrate their efforts and give them a very sweet video, with cutaways to the band playing the music live. It’s an experiment that I hope will work, as I would love to use the end result to encourage more music in schools, more instruments available.
The Elfin Love Tribe will always be devoted to sharing joyous music and reminding folks to be light hearted in life.
~Lisa Lynne
Om Shanti