DJ Darren~September Peace Through Music

[caption id="attachment_3520" align="alignleft" width="150"]

Evening Prayer by Snatam Kaur[/caption]

Evening prayer is a tradition in many cultures. It is a time to connect, or reconnect for that matter, with God/Spirit/Creator/Self and it is something we all do differently; a prayer just before bedtime, a period of meditation, formal prostrations supplicating yourself, a relaxing bubble bath, quiet time reading the latest intriguing book… Each of these, is just as valid a form as any other for this sacred worship, this sacred time between you and the ‘powers that be’ to relax into each other, losing status as individual Self and becoming One.

It is during this time that we not only enjoy the sacredness of this connection, but also may ask: forgiveness, for ourselves as well as others; help with a problem or an intense life experience we are having; or even the not always simple task of releasing negativity, both yours or that of anyone or anything around you.

This month’s musical selection brings you Snatam Kaur’s brand new release, Evening Prayer, featuring the chant, Kirtan Sohila.

Kirtan Sohila, the evening prayer from the Sikh tradition that tunes you into the earth element and eliminates any negativity inside you or in your environment.

This album is one of Snatam’s simplest CDs to date due to minimal accompaniment and only 2 tracks—a musically sung recitation of the chant for 46 minutes, followed by a 9 minute spoken recitation of the chant—with lilting sounds of guitar, haunting sounds of esraj by Benjy Wertheimer, rounded out with keyboard and tabla rhythms, creating a “hypnotic, powerfully meditative atmosphere”.

Come on in and check out this amazing new CD for yourself. And remember to take a listen to all the rest of our music. Demos available for all it! We hope to see you soon.

Om Shanti

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