DJ Darren~September Peace Through Music

When thinking about what to write this month for DJ Darren, I must admit I was at a loss. There isn’t anything new & amazing in our music world this month.

Yet, when reflecting on our upcoming Life Force Theatre event with Drs. Bradford & Hillary Keeney, the perfect CD came to mind. An album seamlessly crossing the bounds between sacred theatre, shamanic journey, healing work, yoga or meditation.

This CD is a classic, (literally), we have been selling this album continuously since 2000. Yep, almost 15 years! And throughout the years, it has usually been one of our top selling titles.

Shamanic Dream by Anugama...

shamanic dream by anugama especially suitable for trance meditations. A relaxed heartbeat drum rhythmic accompanies the continued low repetition of the mantra 'So Be It,' draws the listener deep into the healing power of Mother Earth.

Ethereal and mystical sounds on the second track is a journey to vitalize and harmonize the subtle energy centers of the body. The sounds for each chakra are derived from the pure colors of the rainbow spectrum which were transposed down into the audible range of frequencies. one of Anugama's true masterpieces. Centered around rhythmic, low-tempo drum beats that pulsate in a "heartbeat" manner, the album offers a profoundly soothing atmosphere for balance and meditation exercises. The first track, "Shamanic Dream" is the most percussion-oriented of the three. Joining the beats are drone-like synthesizer textures, wispy Shakuhachi flute wanderings and male vocals that quietly chant "so be it."

The second track, a journey through the chakras, adds synthesized ambience, ethereal vocalese and chirping crickets to the mix. Finally, "Mystical Trance" features the calming sounds of bamboo flute and didgeridoo. Beneath the surface, SHAMANIC DREAM utilizes brainwave frequencies in the theta range, earth energies of the "C" range and other therapeutic sound techniques designed to help you relax more efficiently.

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