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Art by Eva Ruiz[/caption]
Whether you want to beat the heat or activate yourself for all kinds of summertime fun, here are DJ Darren's picks for Summertime bliss:
To beat the heat...
Illumination by Solitudes~Hands down our best-selling CD. Peaceful Gregorian chants with nature sounds. Enough said.
Reiki Whale Song by Kamal~Flute, synthesizers and the recordings of humpback whales. Carried since 2001 and still one of our best-sellers.
Sacred Chants of Shiva by Singers of the Art~"From the banks of the Ganges", this CD is perfect for anyone who loves traditional Indian chant. One of my personal favorites.
Ras by Snatam Kaur~Literally translated as "The Sublime Essence of God's Name", yet another fantastic CD in a long line of amazing CD's by Snatam. This gal can do no wrong!
Earth Songs by Douglas Blue Feather~One of the best Native American flute CD's we've ever carried. Less contemplative and more melodious, accompanied by acoustic guitar and nature sounds.
A Deeper Light by Deva Premal & Miten, with Manose~The latest release (just in!) from this dynamic trio. Also with special guest Maneesh de Moor, the talent behind many great CDs we have carried. Tibetan Mantras at their finest!
To activate yourself for summertime fun...
Bhakti Bazaar by Jai Uttal~"Come visit the 'bhakti bazaar' where the only currency is love"...with the vocals of Jai Uttal and Tina Malia, the flute of Manose and multi-instrumentalist Ben Leinbach. My fave chanting CD in the store!
Playing for Change v. 1 & 2 by Various Artists~Playing for Change is a multimedia music project, to bring together musicians from around the world. Playing For Change also created a separate non-profit organization called the Playing For Change Foundation which builds music schools for children around the world. Some of the most heartfelt, incredible music you will ever hear.
Heart & Soul by the Kirtaniyas~ Awesome, high-energy, traditional East Indian chant music. This CD is kirtan at it's finest. Not to be missed!
Drum Cargo: Rhythms of Water by Dave & Steve Gordon~Feel the pulsating energy of water with these awesome beats. Gentle, yet active, soothing, yet engaging. Also including the sounds of Native American flutes.
Rhythms of the Infinite by John de Kadt~Expand your consciousness with rhythms, grooves and percussive beats featuring sitar, esaraj, bansuri flute, guitar, fretless bass, and the phenomenal, high vibe-ing hang drum.
Elevation by Lawson Rollins~Lush soundscapes "rich with moments of both intensity and spaciousness", featuring musical talent from Nepal, Iran and the US, and world music from the Middle East, Spain and East India. Lawson's guitar stylings are flawless.
No matter your musical intent, remember to keep it cool...
Om Shanti