Our ancestors harnessed the power of earth, air, fire and water, lunar and solar and the four directions. Now we can connect into this powerful weaving of true magic!
Stacey DeMarco skillfully works with lunar cycles, seasonal cycles, and now the energies of the elements, to help us decipher the patterns that life has laid before us.
Our ancestors harnessed the power of earth, air, fire and water, lunar and solar and the four directions. All of these have been key parts of pagan and witchcraft traditions for millennia. Now we add the alchemy of science: from the smallest atom to the greatest sun, from magnetism to electricity, from the fiercest storm to the stillness of gravity. Now we can connect into this powerful weaving of true magic!
Combining the ancient key energies of the elements with science gives us a unique and authentic new way to work with them. Each card also features an ancient word of power from the Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Norse or Celt traditions to enliven it.
Stacey Demarco is one of Australia's most high-profile and trusted meta-physicists and spiritual practitioners. She is one of the foundation members of the Australian Psychics Association and a board member of the Pagan Awareness Network. Her website is one of the most popular websites in its genre. themodernwitch.com
Kinga Britschgi is an award-winning Hungarian digital artist and illustrator. Kinga loves surrealism, magical realism, and dark whimsy, creating "story pictures"--figurative pictures with seemingly realistic elements that often result in surrealistic, mysterious images with lots of layers of meanings. She lives in the United States with her husband and son.