February’s Full Moon on Valentines Day: Is it True Love? by Anna Chapman

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Image: Anthony Falbo

Image: Anthony Falbo[/caption]Full Moon February 14th, 2014 @ 26 degrees Leo 13 minutes 6:53 p.m. EST 3:53 p.m. PSTLeo loves the idea of being in love, of giving to a partner generously and a commitment that comes from the heart eager to share. The overflow of amorous expression does not happen without expectation however. Leo usually wants the same treatment that they afford their loved ones and with Moon in Leo there will be plenty of ‘me’ seeking emotional fulfillment. Lest hopes be dashed let us examine the rest of the chart to observe how all the planets come together on the 14th to lend strength or challenge to daydreams of the perfect relationship.You may have guessed where this is going. If you have a sense of astrological relationship you know that the Sun in Aquarius will opt for freedom rather than commitment and will be encouraging the Moon to mature emotionally; to realize the pitfalls of seeking love outside of oneself or being attached to a fantasy of an unchanging love between two people when our experience in duality is constant change. This drops us on the doorstep of a truth that eventually sets us free from expectation—unconditional love, love for all things (especially one self), love that is always and the knowing of Self as “that”. Do we have fears of suffering the unrequited love from here? No. Love is everything, everywhere, limitless. “I am, Love.”

“Know that what appears to be love for an “other” is really Love of Self because “other” (than Self) doesn’t exist. So this innermost Love can be given to no “other”…True Love has no lover or beloved because all Love is Love of Self.”—Sri H.W.L Poonja (Papaji) from ‘This’

With the ongoing t-square, Pluto opposition Jupiter square to Uranus, we are continually being prompted to reject the ego as master and find wisdom that elevates us beyond suffering. When we continue to attempt to appease the wounded child we resign our selves to perpetually wanting something of which we may have no conscious awareness. We are all aware however, that when we seek love outside of our selves that we are doomed to failure. We seek that which we think we are not. Jupiter tends to inflate sense of self whilst Pluto and Uranus will advocate realization of Self or rather the expulsion of any beliefs that deny the Truth.Remember that Venus, the Goddess of Love has been having an affair with Pluto for quite some time now. As the aspect is now separating, we have an opportunity to rationally observe the effects this has had upon the collective and individual psyches. As Capricorn is the sign in which both are posited, there is a mature quality to the aspect that has encouraged us to overcome attachment and puppy love. Intense, intimate and deep are qualities that define this pairing where Saturn, ruler of Capricorn will insist upon serious and practical expression of one’s amorous nature—commitment to a wiser course of action than stars in one’s eyes and a frolic through fields of wildflowers.A dedicated approach to realizing Self worth that promotes Self love rather than love of  other. This is not to say that relationship does not happen. Relationship though suggests a connection to something that is not the Self and that is impossible as Self, as previously stated, is everything.Mars at 26 degrees Libra is in exact sextile to this Moon and trine the Sun. Mars = motivation, passion, aggression but in Libra has a tendency to seek balance that promotes peace rather than the more fiery characteristics that may be displayed by the planet of action. In Libra there is an innate sense of harmony. Mars here seeks to bring this to all situations to feel at peace. Eventually one with mars in Libra will realize that peace exists here and here am I. What goes on outside of that is illusion. Mars in Libra now, lends to the dissolution of believes that ‘doing’ anything achieves what I want. Look no further than this moment to find what you most desire. While making this statement we come closer to realizing the Truth of what it is we seek.Conjuncting the Sun is Mercury in Aquarius and retrograde at this time. Our thoughts therefore reflect not what we think to be true of our outer environment but what we know to be true from a deeper perspective that lies beyond ego identification. If we neglect our intuitive nature and what guides us to be with the flow, frustration results due to the impossibility of trying to make the illusion somehow fit the Truth. As long as I see my self as separate from “that” I am doomed to be the rat on the rotating wheel of duality.Gratitude during this Full Moon in Leo is expressed for the willingness we all have at this time to once and for all liberate our selves from feeling abandoned, unloved and less than. It includes knowing that Love is always and “that” I am and therefore loving everything—boundless, perpetual Love that is my true nature. What a glorious world we are!

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