Greetings to our friends & community,
As summer fades to fall, I’m in the garden dead heading chocolate cosmos to encourage a last round of blooms. As I potter about, the classic teaching story of the Japanese Zen master pouring tea for a visiting scholar comes to mind. In the story, Nan-in is serving tea. He pours his visitor's cup full, and then keeps on pouring. His guest watches the overflow until he no longer could restrain himself. "It is overfull. No more will go in!" Nan-in replies that his visitor is like the cup, so full that he is unavailable to the present opportunity.
Still feeling full of summer but noticing the quality of the change in the light and the shorter days, I am reminded to empty my cup. Emptying my cup creates the space for the next season, the next phase of life, the next spurt of growth and development—the next opportunity.
Shaking, rattling and rolling into the autumn equinox (September 23, 1:29a), Drs. Bradford and Hillary Keeney of the Keeney Institute for Healing will be offering a wonderful array of exciting opportunities to fill your empty cup, and bring in the balance of the equinox!
They are offering private sessions, a just announced 2 hour program on Friday, 9/19, a full day workshop on Saturday 9/20 and a book signing at Paradise Found on Sunday, 9/21.
Here’s to emptying and filling and the wonders of autumn,
Teresa, spirit of Thule, Tucker Huxley and all at Paradise Found
The Keeneys’ approach has changed my life--may they do the same for yours!~Ernest Rossi, Ph.D.,Renowned therapist and author