Strawberry Full Moon in Capricorn on June 24, 2021 at 11:40am PT

Strawberries are symbolic of love, blessing, thanksgiving and happiness--these are some of the gifts of the Strawberry Moon.

"I seek out people and activities that bring me joy, and look for moments of beauty every day.
I remember to live in the present moment and enjoy my life Now.
I embrace vulnerability and openness, sharing my thoughts and feelings.
I am strongly rooted, and unshaken by the changes that come my way.
Anxiety rolls off my shoulders with ease.
I am resilient, skilled, and capable.
I acknowledge the inherent value of my effort and work, regardless of the outcome.
I recognize my capacities, and carry only as much as I can hold."

Full Strawberry Moon in Capricorn

Named for the delicious sweet berries that are harvested at this time of year, June's Strawberry Moon embodies the magic and fullness of life. Strawberries are symbolic of love, blessing, thanksgiving and happiness--these are some of the gifts of the Strawberry Moon. This year the Strawberry Moon comes just days after the Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year; and after Litha, one of the most sacred sabbats in the Wheel of the Year.

The air is balmy and fragrant at the beginning of summer, and the lush green leaves sway in the breeze... The earth and the universe and surging with new life, magic, and vitality. Your intuition is energized by the strength of the sun, which is at its peak on these long, bright summer days, as well as the refreshing flow of the full moon at night...Embrace the present moment, and find ways to be fully illuminated by this abundance of light.

This full moon has Energies of Capricorn and Cancer to work with. An authority and nurturing energy--those two create a beautiful balance. Capricorn brings the ambitious, persistent, practical, disciplined energy, and Cancer balances this out with empathy, imagination, caring, and emotional sensitivity. As we notice these aspects of ourselves emerge, we can ask:

Where do I need to bring more balance in life?
How do I deal with authority in Life?
Am I in charge or are other people in charge?
Remember that you are in charge of yourself, that this path was given to You!

Take time to appreciate what makes us feel safe: our home, family, friends.
This is a perfect opportunity to nurture yourself and your loved ones, spend time in nature, take responsibility for your physical, mental and emotional well-being and envision the world you want to live in.

With the Moon full and bright in the sky, symbolic "illumination" occurs in our lives. The deep realizations that come to light at this time are often very emotionally charged. This is a time to express ourselves and to let things out of our systems, and also to recognize that our feelings and responses may be elevated, and act accordingly, giving ourselves the compassion and understanding that we deserve.


Red Aragonite | Stabilizing and grounding, aids in meditation and spiritual attunement. Provides strength and support. Brings insight and focus and gets, helping to get the creative juices flowing. Teaches acceptance and patience, and helps alleviate emotional stress.

Jet | Made of organic materials (fossilized wood). Jet is earthy and grounding, connecting to the Earth. Very protective, it absorbs negative energy and transmutes it into positive. It also helps break negative behavior. Transformational; helping re-inspire and re-set.

Order online!

Moonstone | New beginnings and good fortune, great for travel and new pursuits. Enhances intuition, spiritual growth and humanitarianism. Promotes balance, calm, emotional stability. A great stone for inspiration--the "flash" seen in the stone similar to flashes of insight.

Full Moon Rituals for Self Alignment

Release what no longer serves, and welcome feelings of openness and lightness!

At the mid-point of the year, this moon is a good one to reflect on what things in your life need to be released or tweaked...This is the time to re-set, to usher in fresh energy and revitalize yourself in preparation for an awesome second half of the year! Be bold, initiate positive changes and get the ball rolling to get yourself back on track.

Capricorn is always about getting down to business and assessing the reality of any given situation (blunt, but very helpful!). Capricorn also urges urges us to prioritize our integrity. Check in with yourself--are there places in your life where you are out of alignment? Make a commitment to realign and write down your action steps to make this happen.

Consult your higher self or your favorite tarot or oracle:

  1. What long-term plans are calling you?
  2. What foundations do you need to lay to succeed?
  3. Where do you need to apply patience?
  4. Where do you need to think BIGGER?
  5. Where do you need support?

Weigh up your task, what needs more attention and more importantly, what needs to be completed. Don’t give up. Use the magical swell of lunar energy to help you move forward. Consider leaving an offering to the nature devas and spirits as an expression of your gratitude for the vital warmth of the sun and the illumination of the moon. Perhaps a juicy bowl of strawberries?

You can also draw on the Cancer energy of this lunar cycle, which enhances imagination and intuition--two powerful tools for problem-solving and realizing personal truths. The Strawberry Moon is believed to bring something that many of us often experience at the time of the Full Moon: dreams. Put Lavender and Mugwort under your pillow to call in your dreams, and consider keeping a dream journal within easy reach so you can jot down a few notes upon waking.

And finally, give yourself and your crystals a moon bath--this is the last Super Moon of the year!

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