Full Moon 02.02.2015 @ 14 degrees Leo 48 minutes 06:09 p.m. EST 03:09 p.m. PSTYour deepest desire…
Waves of silver light,
Full Moon devours everything.
My cup sits empty.
Leo rules the 5th house of the astrology chart and represents the place where we express self, realize self, create, procreate and frolic in romantic bliss or fulfill sexual desire. The state of one’s 5th house influences all of these areas of one’s life. The extent to which you find your self occupied with these affairs will reflect the sign on the house cusp and aspects to planets in the house etc.For this Full Moon in Leo (conjunct Jupiter) allow your self to fully express what your heart desires. Jupiter, planet of optimism and good will, higher purpose and expansion will assist the moon to connect with generosity and benevolence; what lies there often unspoken for fear of…It is a time to pour forth and have gratitude for the deeper aspect of one’s emotional nature. Feeling what is there is a great gift here if we have the courage to allow these feelings to surface.There are no mistakes. Be sure to trust that whatever arises is coming from a place that has no judgment or expectation. The freedom you feel will eventually provide you with peace. You know inner stillness and all doubt subsides. With this moon involved in a yod, finger of god, with Chiron/Mars and Pluto in sextile, there is pressure to resolve and heal whatever emotional wounding may have limited you in the past. Uranus trining the moon is extra emphasis to let go the attachment to whatever pattern no longer serves you. Ultimately that would be the pattern that says I am this body I am this mind—but one step at a time. The whole point of this is not to expect necessarily, instant results but to gently proceed as is your natural inclination—with the blinkers off. The Truth is right in front of us and really it would be hard to pretend we can’t see it. Duality is a nice experience but maybe its time to wake up and see that ‘nothing’ and ‘everything’ are actually the same thing.Not only does Uranus in Aries (forceful? Yes) grace us with enlightening gestures but Pallas Athena in Sagittarius creates a grand trine in fire that has energy to motivate us all toward brilliance—shining our light from source, wisdom and knowing that even for a split second may be the ah, hah moment from which you never look back! There is a moment of Truth in the deepest desire of our hearts that will not go unnoticed or unfulfilled in some way.Even if you think or feel like nothing is happening you can be sure that on some level we are all being given an opportunity to allow, and bask in the light of pure Being. It requires absolutely nothing but perhaps immense gratitude for life and being alive.A Full Moon like a reflection of the soul swallows one whole. Immersed in a limitless pool without thought there is only peace and the everlasting knowing that I am “that”.As one will divide the water through movement, still no sound permeates the still air. In Reality there never is separation.