Full Moon 05.03.15 @ 13 deg. 23 min. Scorpio 11:42 p.m. EDT 08:42 p.m. PDT by Anna Chapman

full moon glow 17

Full Moon 05.03.15 @ 13 deg. 23 min. Scorpio 11:42 p.m. EDT 08:42 p.m. PDT

The mind creates the abyss, the heart crosses it.

~Nisargadatta Maharaj, author of I am That

Vastness swallows us whole over and over and over…in every moment our cares, whims and dissatisfactions are lost in the endless Reality of Being that has not a thought let alone consideration for any individual desire.The light of this Full Moon filters through the shadows and the darkness, reaches deep into awareness dispersing doubt, confusion and reminding us that the cycle that is humanity--birth, death, rebirth and regeneration--the realm of Scorpio and the 8th house, is an individual experience in the midst of Being. In the midst of Being, as if swallowed by an ocean, there is no individual, there is no separation and there is no suffering. Suffering is a thought. A situation is intolerable? The situation is, intolerable is a thought.Scorpio divests us of all unnecessary accoutrements; all those many layers of accumulated perception that have contributed to beliefs that are not true in this moment. Byron Katie ‘the Work” focuses attention on what is true in this moment. What we know to be true is here and now and far less than what we ‘believe’ is true. When we rely on perceptions or ‘our’ understanding of situations everything is filtered through a warped lens of habitual patterns of thinking.Venus ruler of Taurus, the sign the Sun occupies presently is 29 degrees ahead of Mars co-ruler of Scorpio where the Moon resides for approximately 2 ¾ days beginning at 6:47 p.m. on May 2nd. This is a constructive relationship between two planets that are generally described as ‘having differences’. Next door to each other they offer support and wisdom based on what they experience without sacrificing a thing to maintain relationship.Relationship exists, is an aspect of experience but the notion of separate components is where the problems arise. All based on our perception of ‘need’. I need that which appears to be outside of my self. How can anything be outside of everything or the Absolute? The problem is with individual identification. How can anything be outside of Self.If we allow for what exists always and accept what is in this moment there is no need to traverse any crevasse or troubled waters—they are just waters—there are no shadows or darkness just what is occurring, the natural unfolding of the Absolute. Everything that arises from this ‘one’ is an expression of “that”—this one or that one, us we them—all the same an expression of “that”. One entity cannot be okay and another not.Jupiter that vast gaseous giant to which we attribute qualities of wisdom and benevolence and expanded awareness exactly squares this Full Moon (within a few minutes) and is accompanied by Juno. In mythology these two were husband and wife and did not experience marital bliss perhaps as they were also sister and brother. Jupiter/Jove was well known for his many dalliances that provoked Juno to commit some desperate acts of retaliation. The lovers of Jupiter suffered the consequences of her anger and were turned into various different animals or features in nature, trees, streams etc.[caption id="attachment_10483" align="alignright" width="232"]

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click to enlarge[/caption]In this Full Moon chart with Venus and Mars working together and Jupiter and Juno in friendly conjunction it is a time harmonious abidance and recognizing that we all share the essence of Being. We are all this Being here in physical reality. Compassion, love presides as a result of the liberty from all of the mind constraints that have limited us for a long time. We let go of expectation of others to provide us with anything and rest in knowing that whatever is, is what is happening.Jupiter square the Sun and the Moon provides a rather influential energy for trusting rather than resisting and realizing Self not as separate from what is but as “that’ which is always, never changing, stillness, silence when the mind settles into knowing of the heart rather than thinking. During this Full Moon enjoy the freedom of observation without thought or expectation. If it feels uncomfortable being stripped to the bone remember the discomfort is only a thought and peace is what is beyond thought.

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