There is such a thing as perfection...and our purpose for living is to find that perfection and show it forth....Each of us is in truth an unlimited idea of freedom. Everything that limits us we have to put aside.
~Richard Bach
Limitation is a concept pertaining to duality. It is the result of thinking there is any one that may be limited. Limitation is a judgment and confines us to the never ending search for “perfection” when that is our natural state. If we think we are not, then naturally we will seek that. And as we perceive my self in relation to others then we will begin by seeking outside of our self for what will contribute to our sense of perfection. I must be more, better or different than I am now.This Full Moon in Sagittarius is involved in a mutable cross (4 planets that square each other and two sets of opposition). Mutable relates to the quality of the signs these four planets occupy. Mutable signs allow change. They are flexible and apt to go with the flow; the wind that has no limitations. The wind in a windstorm has been used to describe a mutable grand cross. There is a great deal of tension inherent in a grand cross. It is a dynamic configuration that is highly motivated to seek resolution to the discomfort of the tension. In this case with the Sun/Moon in opposition, Neptune and Black Moon Lilith in opposition and all squaring each other the way to ‘peace’ is through recognition of Truth that lies at the ‘center’ of the square.Deeply situated in a ‘place’ that transcends all of the thoughts that I am this or that or anything to do with a Grand Cross is the knowing that these thoughts are my limitation. In the Grand Cross I bump up against my self creating my self outside of or appending my true nature. In the windstorm the only ‘place’ to rest is in the eye of the storm, the center, the one place where I sit in stillness knowing that ‘this too shall pass’. It is just a storm. It tugs at the hair and clothing but has no effect upon “that” which is everything and nothing and exists still, even when the storm has passed. Let it be therefore and be “it” and unattached to the storm that ceases to exist as quickly as it arose.[caption id="attachment_10617" align="alignright" width="232"]
click to enlarge[/caption]With Neptune standing in opposition to the Black Moon Lilith there is a desire to defy limitation or ignore it as a manifestation of duality. Black Moon entices, draws from Neptune the greatest gift the ruler of Pisces offers and that is dissolution—of beliefs that structure our world. The solution is dissolution and in the environment that is the realm of this frozen giant, the winds that rage at 1500 m.p.h., the fastest in this universe, dust will never settle.With Mercury and Mars conjuncting the Sun (All in Gemini. There are 8 planets of 11 in mutable signs) there is ample energy directed toward experiencing and then moving to the next experience with the result quickly arrived at—been there done that, been there done that and that—reminding ourselves as mercury is still retrograde that I’ve hit my head against the wall enough times to recognize the way through this is not any of the ways that I have tried in the past. And therefore, what is it?By doing nothing except accepting what is, in this moment, as an expression of the Absolute Reality occurring in physicality. We think it is so difficult, that we need to bash into our selves to get it but the opposite is true. “Sit’ in silence and be free. Thoughts will come and go—so. They have nothing to do with me; that is Reality. All those thoughts are a product of the past and are not relevant here and now. Let the winds sweep you away and know that it has not the ability to alter “that” our true nature.All the challenges that may arise as a result of any tension at this time are merely showing up as an image on a screen that I project based on what I deem to be real—that which I identify with; the accumulation of patterns that have fallen upon these shoulders that is all part of a story with which I identify—an illusion as there is no individual for whom this can be true. There is only ‘source’ everywhere and everything Being.In the midst of clashing molecules form arises. We understand the eternal nature of the ‘abiding’ that precedes all physical existence.Mutable=flexibility, going with the flow that allows all things to appear on the screen of reality and to quickly pass away.Grand Cross=dynamic, motivation to resolve tension.I’ve tried everything! What’s next? The realization that “I” am that which is still.At 11 degrees we know that "we" is all one and make every effort, no stone unturned, to overcome the limiting confines of relative perception. 11 is a master number where we first grasp freedom beyond separation--not two.